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Great as always

I thought this was a great addition to a series that seldom makes something that is not great. I thought it was funny when Catface mentioned that he would not enslave bretheren. I think this may be the funniest thing that was said by him at the end, about how having a pet is about cleaning up poop. You should realize how much of that you get when talking about taking care of a pet. Is Box Cat supposed to be a non talking cat as he does not speak English like Catface? Of course, this is a world where a giant headed cat can float.

Very funny

My pick for funniest moment in this cartoon would be when the fat norman punches the guy and beats him up with his own door. I thought it was cool how the animation was still as great as ever, despite being a comedy movie. I was a little disappointed we did not get to see more of Larry, as he is my favorite character. Still, this was something different and it seemed to work well. I also really liked the religious jokes, especially the ones that involved the priest. The horse with green poop was weird.

Jazza responds:

thanks man. lerry will still dominte dont worry, i just like the idea of expanding the world and its array of characters.

Pretty nice

I could tell that this was going to be a takeoff of the "Cyanide & Happiness" cartoon, which I am a huge fan of. I think this does a great job of living up to the flawless animation style they use. While the punchline may not have been perfect, this still had a lot of good stuff in it. It does seem like a lot of effort was put into it. My suggestions would be that next time, you make it longer and have the dialogue be more understandable. However, I guess the bad dialogue was part of the joke.

It's here!

I remember when this meme first started out on the Internet. I was thinking about how cool it would be if some popular Newgrounds artist did a parody of it and my wish came true! This had all that I could ask for, even if it did not have much action. You really do seem to look more into the reasons of why that thing even happened. As I mentioned you on the forums, it was only fair that I review this. I think that guy does in fact look like Captain Ahab, at least in the cartoon.

Nice little cartoon

It seems like every Ace Attorney thing here on Newgrounds is a parody in the Phoenix Wrong series, so it was cool to see something different. While the original sprites in the series were good, these were nice. I just like how delicately and cute the characters were drawn. Granted, I do not look for courtroom dramas much, but you included some cool stuff in it at least. The way she moves her finger is also kind of funny. While not really my kind of movie, it was creative enough to like.

What's the deal?

Why is everyone doing nothing but moaning about how there is no preloader? Sure, I would have liked it if there was more action, but what matters is that there was a lot of heart put into this. It was cool to see all of those characters with all those different styles in the same place even if they did not do much. This must hold some record for biggest difference between review score and voting score. It's 4.31 (or at least not anymore since I will give this a decent rating)! This was nicely done and it definitley has potential for a story.

Gokuslilbrother responds:

See you Summer 2011

It is good

I am glad to see this series again and especially you are going back to your action roots. My biggest complaint is that the animation does still look pretty old by today's standards. I still think this was very enjoyable, especially the beginning fight with the robot. I especially like when he was defeated by literally ripping its face apart and smashing it up. The little red orb is also a pretty good villian. While we may not have the greatest hero, you put in a lot of good stuff for him at least.

vezanmatics responds:

thanks ericho! your reviews are much appreciated and i'm glad you enjoyed it.

It wasn't terrible

I think the only reason people would bash this is because it pales in comparison to nearly every popular cartoon nowadays. This was a good effort, as I really liked the animation. It was a pretty way to kill the guy as it looked impressive enough to hold up enough even to modern standards. I liked the literal colorfulness of the characters. It almost seems like something TheBoogley made in his early days on this website. There is definitley some different places that you could go with this.

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