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I'm surprised the rating is so low. I guess I just like this because of the nostalgia. This was actually one of the first "Pokémon" flashes that I saw on this website! I liked the "X-Files" theme music. Okay, I'm not the biggest fan, but I remember that at least! I like the animation.

I guess the part with Jigglypuff was the best. It's goofy, but it's fun. Everything moves very well together. I don't know why you used that music, but it's cool. Strange, but for me, it was good.

Wow, this was wonderful! This is one of the best flash cartoons you've ever made! I think it works so well as a satire on typing. I have heard of Wingdings. I have absolutely no idea what they'd be for. I guess some hidden code or something.

I still didn't know a lot of these. It's always great to learn interesting new facts. Of the little color you did have, you used it rather well. It's simply a finely detailed cartoon. As someone who has a ton of documents, I know what this can be like. I don't even know what font I'm using right now!

I'm a fan of "Adventure Time!" so I thought they were saying BMO. Well, obviously BMO didn't exist at the time. I doubt you would have gotten illwillpress to work on this. I really do feel bad for that guy for losing most of his cartoons here. Yeah, don't care for the series that much anymore. I really liked the Claymation.

I liked how Beebo's owner had the live-action face. Well, the photograph face. It was great to see Foamy get killed. This is the same stuff he always says. If it was done today, you'd have "Fancy Pants Adventures" characters in it!

I thought this was pretty cute. I even forgot about the actual animation. It was just nice to see how cute this was. I can see a cartoon intro like this. While this didn't have much point, it was still fun. If only stuff here was adapted into a cartoon.

The animation is pretty unique. I thought it would be in Claymation like the actual show. It's always nice to have variety. It's hard to describe something so short. It's just fine.

I didn't like how the picture was so small. It was still a well done film. I really liked how you could control what time you watched it. It's rare there were features like that. Hopefully, this won't use the new format. The music was pretty nice.

I liked how it was done entirely in stop motion. That's not quite the same as Claymation. This is just a fun little thing. It's kind of weird though. Fans are nice.

What happened to the first part? Why was it removed? This website is shrinking all the time! Well, at least we have some good stuff like this here. I especially like the voice work. StrawberryClock looks quite goofy.

The colors were pretty nice. It's hard to understand when I can't remember the first one. Mortal Kombat references are always cool. I guess he says, "Toasty!" and "Whoopsies!". It's good to see so many talented artists on this.

Yes, this is awesome! While it's not one of my favorites from you, it's certainly great. This was the last sprite cartoon you made as of now. It took you nine years to submit more stuff here. Yeah, I doubt we'll get that sequel. I just love how ambitious this is.

We get great references to your past cartoons. There's just so much activity. I loved the unique music and sounds especially how I could recognize most of them. Pokémon is awesome. Don't be afraid to love it!

I was very impressed by this! I'm so glad to see stuff by all of my favorite artists! The only one I didn't recognize was Openwounds. He did make the least of them all. My favorite was from Luis. He is probably my favorite artist here.

I felt bad that there were none that were entirely about ninjas. I prefer them over pirates! That's just the "Naruto" fan in me. The pirates vs. ninjas parts were the best. A pity these stopped.

This really made me feel good. I'm been going through a lot of crap myself lately. Yeah, some of this was cynical, but it was still a lot of fun. Hey, I finally reviewed something referencing Donald Trump winning the election! I want to be topical. I wish there were more Christmas flashes this year.

Seriously, this is one of only three in the collection so far! I'm glad that some of my favorite artists are still around. Well, they submit the occasional flash here. I'll be meeting with my parents in Atlanta and hope to have a great time!

I feel pretty bad for not liking this. I mean, the animation is nice. There are even voice actors who have the same names as me, Stevenson! I need to be more familiar with No-Man. Well, I can figure out he says, "No" a lot and quite effectively. That's a given with his name.

I do like how this looks. I love how you got your friends and family to work on this! Have a very Merry Christmas! Dang, I had no idea we had so few Christmas stuff this year. I still love this website.

SuperPhil64 responds:

No need to feel bad, can't like em all!
Truth be told i did cut a few corners to make sure this was done before leaving
for Christmas break. Hopefully if you end up giving other episodes a shot that they will
be more to your liking.

In any case, thanks for watching!
Have a Merry Christmas.

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

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