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I found Sqeezy's to be the best. This was my favorite of all these time trials so far. It's great that everyone was working together. Livecorpse really was prolific. A pity I was never a fan of that guy to miss him. Anyway, I was surprised that JoeOutterside didn't do a Mario themed one.

I am just so used to that music being used with Mario. In fact, the music was probably the best part out of all of these. It really set the mood. Foxcato's could have been better. Is JoeOutterside the same as Blue-Flame?

Another great entry in this series! I was impressed by Luis' the most probably. It was just interesting to see that transition. From what audio was TommyLM's from? I know I've heard that before. It's obviously Jack Black.

Pako's had the best music. It was nice to see the Metroid too. Most of these were video game related. I just appreciated everyone coming together for this. We still have collabs, but not like this nowadays.

Was this the first Madness tribute? If so, it certainly broke new ground. Hey, that's where this website's name came from! It was so weird to see the characters in color, well flesh colored. It's like seeing "The Simpsons" in normal color. The action was great.

The characters were also drawn more realistically. The characters had smaller heads. I've never heard them talk before either. This was really was a unique collab that holds up! My favorite was freak-show7's.

Even your stuff that isn't animutation uses clip art like this. It actually was nice to see a tribute like this. The weirdest part was when he said, "tiiii". I guess that is how you would say it. It only fits you use the StrawberryClock voice for him. Have those two ever interacted?

It's cheesy, but harmless fun. We should always have tributes to him. Oh, we see Colin Mochrie at the end. Stephen Hawking must have been in one of your animutations. This isn't to be confused with MC Hawking.

"Refreshing strool"? Did you mean to say "refreshing stroll"? Yeah, it's pretty easy to see it was based on "Johnny Bravo". Wow, are these women strong. I was disappointed Mai Shiranui wasn't featured. She's the hottest of them all!

I thought this was a lot better than the first one. It still isn't great. Again, it needed Mai. You have advanced a lot here. The sprite work was quite nice.

It does seem like you're just taking a cheap shot at the anime, but this is still hilarious. It's mostly because of how good the animation is. I mean, everything is no nicely grotesque. It might go a bit too far sometimes, but it's still great. I love the goofy voices. I probably need to be more familiar with the show.

Well, I know a fair number of things about it. It's just a very creative cartoon. I wish I recognized their names. I like the colors too. I knew they'd eat him at the end.

That was awesome! I admit that it was kind of weird to see this being labeled the perfect murder. This wasn't really a murder. Everyone was fighting at once! Well, maybe I don't know semantics that well. It's great to see this solid animation.

I especially love how the bullets are drawn. They look golden! For something only a minute long, it's paced very well. I wasn't expecting Darnell to appear. It really is everything Pico is known for.

This is really a great cartoon! I'm at least somewhat familiar with the TMNT mythos. I believe I recognize Slash. The animation is so good. It's great that you take such great characters and use them so well. I'm not familiar with the newer Ninja Turtles cartoons.

This is a lot more like them. You show how good these characters are. I wish I saw the first one. We have a great story developing. It's just so deep, not like what you'd expect from these guys!

Aww, no scene after the credits. It was great recognizing all these characters. I know this is some sort of meme. Well, it couldn't have been a very big one. While short, it was still great. I guess it was just nice to see that "Foxtrot" reference.

Yeah, I got that. I just liked the crapping Pikachu for some reason. I wish I knew more about that fat girl meme. That really has been awhile for a long time. You even told us where some of the figures were from!

Of course this was frontpaged! I admit that I thought the title couldn't have been so revealing. I mean, it would have been better as a surprise. I was expecting another entry in the Raw Latex series. You're so prolific this works too. The animation is always great.

I really liked how the scorpion was drawn. I heard she's drawn pretty realistically. I liked how you included the lyrics. If only this was an infinite loop. Can you not make those here anymore?

Sexual-Lobster responds:

cheers ericho, i think you can still do loops, there's a check box for it on the upload page.

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