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I find it funny that you had to mention Disney at the end. They really do own everything! At first, I thought this was something old. I mean, it seems like a pretty obvious thing to do. Legos are so popular nowadays. I really do like this animation.

Dang, there's not much besides that to say. It's still great to watch. The designs look just like the characters. We rarely get CGI here and it's nice to have some. I wish I had steamed hams.

Holy crap, you actually won an award over Warlord-Of-Noodles! Anyway, this is a great parody. I admit to not having seen this movie in a long time. Well, I haven't seen a lot of movies in a long time. I loved the "Spirited Away" reference at the end. Great to have that music as well.

You have such a cute animation style. I'm glad this wasn't too crude. I can tell you're a fan. Right? It can be hard to parody something so beloved, but it can be done.

Nice to see this series again! Of course, it would be nicer if I could follow it. I really appreciate the animation once again. I loved seeing that monster at the end. Why'd it have to end?! That was when it was really getting good!

The beginning was the best. I just like seeing the animals more and not the humans. Wait, is that bad? I don't want to join PETA. The voices are as graceful as ever too.

You look like the guy from Smosh! This was quite unexpected. It truly was a unique design for these cartoons. I'm so glad to have come by it. Even if it doesn't get well know, it's a good cartoon. I know how hard it can be with a plane.

It's nice how you deal with more mundane problems. Pico had a nice cameo. A pity I'm not more familiar with your work. At least you got some trophies. It's just a very slick cartoon.

RareKirby responds:

If you want to see more of my crap check out my Patreon. You don't need to support to check out. It's really the only place I can post my stuff in lol. Thanks though lol. PICO! I had to include him lol. https://www.patreon.com/RareKirby

Cyranek? Are you the same as Cyriak? You know, the guy who makes those trippy videos? Anyway, I was actually expecting something kinda dumb. The thumbnail sure made it look weird. I loved the animation.

I guess it did get kind of guess. This website certainly turned into Elon Musk World! I haven't seen this many popular submissions for a jam in a long time. Well, score at least. Please make a coronavirus jam.

Gee, I wonder if this will win Daily Feature? Anyway, this was incredible! I'm just amazed at how beautiful this looks. Um, not Adobe herself. That would be gross. This is probably your best in this series.

What series is this even called? Who cares, it's incredible. It just has beautiful atmosphere. I mean, you could go on all day about this amazing world you've created. It's hard to do so much when it takes place in just one room. I'm glad I don't have this relationship with my bad computer...or I hope not.

The meta jokes were easily the best part. I admit to not having experiences like this. I'm old enough to drink, but I really don't. Anyway, it was nice to hear of a story when you were older. Umm, I hope. We don't have any Father's Day cartoons here!

I already celebrated it with my dad. I did call him though. I do wonder what other people you know think of these cartoons. Eh, your budget probably couldn't afford to get them. At least it's a living.

I thought this was good, but not great. The animation was just amazing. It just got a little tedious. Still, there was some variety with the different people there. I can understand why it was ranked high on this jam. I admit to not being your biggest fan, JohnnyUtah.

I love how you mention his hatred of vaccines. Everyone should get shamed for that! Eh, could be worse. Some of these images were pretty scary. Don't put such scary stuff in these comedies!

Yeah, I couldn't get into this at all. I can see why the rating's so high. At least three people faved it! It was far too short. I mean, the animation wasn't good either. It did get into the collection.

It wasn't satirical or anything. Hey, this was submitted on my birthday! Elon Musk sounds like a perfume. I'm glad he didn't do anything amazingly awful to warrant this jam. Well, he always does.

Castle-Cartoon responds:

Yup, i don’t know why everyone rate my animation good. It’s just a kind of cheap animation just made for fun if even my animation get a prize

How was this a comedy? It seemed like a straight up horror cartoon! It was still great. I keep hearing about Elon Musk everywhere here. Hmm, I can't seem to find anything in the news about him that's THAT significant. Oh, there's an actual Musk Jam.

There should be a Coronavirus jam! Anyway, this was unpredictable, even at the end! The dark colors were really scary. It truly is an effective cartoon. Hopefully, the virus will get to him.

Stradomyre responds:

Maybe HE IS the virus...

Aye I'm glad it affected you in that way >:D I love horror comedy and I'm glad we could deliver. Thanks for watching!

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