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Okay, this was freaking FANTASTIC!! I loved the first part, because I thought it was just going to be a straight action game. I'm glad I didn't like at the Comedy-Parody label. It was wonderful how it turned out in the end. I swear those are the most skin tight briefs I've ever seen. It's pretty much just his junk with white coloring.

I had no clue that would happen. I knew something was amiss when the cartoonish sound effect made. The title makes it all the more unexpected. I just freaking loved all the people who put their hard work into this. It seemed to have a great length too. It's something that should be some kind of viral cartoon video.

I couldn't help but think this was meant to be a metaphor for Mother's Day. I mean, it is coming up. I appreciate how good the animation was. It was interesting to see good prevail in the end. Well, there's still a lot of work to be done in the story, but still. I don't know why, but I think that guy looked like Kirbopher in the beginning.

You tell so much without dialogue. Let us hope commercialism never ruins us like that. The music was a great choice. I like how they were different colors, too. It's a very well done cartoon.

I really did notice the stuff on the left hand side. I've never seen it in a live-action video before. I find it weird you would submit a live-action video. I still don't care because it's great! I mean, we really do want to have everything by everyone, don't we? It was great to meet these people.

I imagine you might want me to talk about my history. Well, you should know some, as I'm the most prolific game reviewer here. I love this site obviously and first came upon it in 2004, even though I didn't have an account until 2008. I wish I could go there or to any kind of comic con. Happy Daily Feature and Happy Pico Day 2014!

I KNEW that baby was Hitler! I didn't know what the BZH stood for. I appreciated how good the animation was. The best part was probably when the goose went insane. That really did have the best animation. I wish I had some idea as to what was going on in this.

I still love it, because of how surreal it is. It's great to see all this stuff together. I really had no idea what would happen next. I would like to know what organization that guy is part of. Then again, maybe there are other episodes where it's explained.

This was a very funny cartoon. I couldn't help but think that Trey was based on Hunter Thompson. I guess he's just the most famous reporter I can think of. Even the name seemed a bit similar. I guess it's because they're both cool names. I liked his voice.

RicePirate is as good as ever. That was him, right? My favorite part was when he threw the old lady out the window. I don't know why, it just vaguely seemed like something SexualLobster would do. I had no idea it was going to go so bad for him.

I thought this was one of the best cartoons I've seen in a long time! What's most impressive is how good the animation is. Everything just looks so gorgeous in this. I think it really is a realistic story being told. The ending's a bit ambiguous, but that's a minor complaint. If only you had made this with a cat.

I do like works about characters stuck on islands. It's just a plot I find fascinating. I think how the protagonist realistically deals with his situation. Granted, I have no clue how that would work in real life. I've never been unfortunate enough to be stranded on a desert island. Well, maybe this one wasn't a desert.

You know as far as fake trailers go, this was actually pretty damn good. Yeah, it was disappointing to see how it would never be made at the end. Then again, you just never know... I think this is the best of Pico Day 2014. It wasn't even about Pico much. I think he's the official Newgrounds mascot, simply because NG stuff in general is submitted on his day.

I would have loved to see this be a real game. Of course, it would probably be labeled a ripoff of "Newgrounds Rumble". I STILL would want to play it. That's how good this teaser is! Happy Pico Day 2014!

Well, this series looks like it's going to be great! I can really recognize your voices now. It was weird to watch something so long in comparison to the shorter stuff you've been working on lately. The animation is as good as ever. I was wondering where that girl at the beginning was going to show up. That confusion was the only thing I didn't like about this.

It's still a great cartoon. The facial expressions and jokes are fantastic. Cats make everything better. The jokes just worked so well. It's great how you can make so many different series.

Well, it was certainly silly. I am sorry that I was not more amused by this. It just seemed like a single quick gag. It wasn't all that unpredictable. Here's what I thought was going to happen. I thought he was going to blow it up with his nose. That makes me wonder, could you really do that?

You deserve credit for good animation. It's just that this doesn't seem like something that would be for a flash cartoon in itself. It seemed like it would have been better as part of a compilation. It still isn't terrible. I guess people liked it at least.

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

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