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That was pretty good, but not great. I admit to not knowing much about Undertale. I mean, I've certainly heard of it. I don't need to be a fan to know "Deltarune" is an anagram for "Undertale". The fight was just nice. I wasn't that emotionally invested though.

I'd have to be more of a fan. Still, it was good for what it was. The designs could maybe be better. I know you're just using the game designs. Well, maybe animated better.

Aww, we don't have a 4th of July collection! Happy 4th of July! Or rather, 5th of July now! I loved the flag in the background. You know, with how it said 50X. It would be too time consuming to use all fifty stars.

I'm glad this wasn't sexual. It was just cute. Not cute as in sexual. Even during these times of the virus, we should be proud to be Americans. Well, more glad.

Okay, originally I was thinking that I would be mad that we got another Elon Musk cartoon. We've had tons already. I was happy to say this is my favorite of the series. That was before I realized that was Joe Rogan. I watch him a lot. Now the marijuana joke is even better too.

The black jokes were great. It's probably the best coronavirus cartoon I've ever seen. There should be a jam about that. Now the comedian jokes are funnier too! Hard to make fun of something like "Rick And Morty" when it's so much of a parody in itself. Rogan thinks man never walked on the Moon, so he's not a skeptic at all.

That was awesome! Anything with a title like Motorcat is going to be good. I love the animation. It really is built up well. I guess I was hoping for a bit more action. It's still great. I especially love the punchline.

Cats are just so awesome. I miss my cat. He's very old. I like how even your avatar shows Motorcat! A cat Transformer!

coltenseamans responds:

Agreed, cats are great, and our cat Babs was the inspiration for this because she always purrs while zooming around.

That was just one joke, but damn, was it funny. I didn't like the sped up sounds, though. Was that supposed to be a foreign language?

Okay, that was definitely a good cartoon. It's just hard to give a perfect score to something that sexual. I mean that's what the whole thing is. Still, it's beautifully animated. Yeah, lots of beauty in this. The best one may have been the breast expansion.

I love those cute little avatars that appear. The other characters were uh, pretty cute too. At least it had no nudity. Still, it had stiff nipples. You are very talented.

Hmm, this got better as it went on. I will admit it was weird with the title. Shouldn't Chapter 3 be about Episode III? Anyway, it's a very funny cartoon. I especially loved the jokes with R2D2. The tape bit was the best.

At least it got front page. Hey, Jar-Jar had little of a role! Just like all the other movies! The voices were quite good. It follows the movie faithfully, even if many people don't like that.

squeakytoad responds:

Thanks for watching. This parody series plays out like a Disney origin story for Anakin - episode numbers don't match up to the Star Wars movies. Thought about dropping the numbers but figure it helps folks watch them in order.

Wow, that was amazing! I honestly think the rating should be a lot higher. Well, it's already really high. It's still amazing! I just love the animation! I admit to not being into "Splatoon" at all! This was great no matter what.

I at least recognize the character designs. I know it involves squirting of some kind. I was afraid something only a minute long wouldn't be that good. You do give them personalities in such a short time! All great cartoons can do that. The time was worth the effort.

I admit that I'm kind of tired of all these Elon Musk flashes. Late? Dude, there's like a dozen still on the front page. I still enjoyed this. The animation could have been better. I know it's not supposed to be that great.

It still had a pretty good message. Please make a coronavirus collab. It was set up really weird. It wasn't until a third that it showed the title! Well, weirder flashes have been made.

I find it funny that you had to mention Disney at the end. They really do own everything! At first, I thought this was something old. I mean, it seems like a pretty obvious thing to do. Legos are so popular nowadays. I really do like this animation.

Dang, there's not much besides that to say. It's still great to watch. The designs look just like the characters. We rarely get CGI here and it's nice to have some. I wish I had steamed hams.

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