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You spelled Newgrounds "Newgrouns". Anyway, this was still a great looking cartoon. I thought "Final Step" was one of the best cartoons ever made. I love this series as much as anyone else. It needs its own page here. This looks really dark.

It kind of reminds me of Zootopia. I love that movie! Well, everyone does. It's amazing you could continue something that had such a perfect finale. It can still be done.

You still put more effort into your videos than Pat Condell. This did at least have some variety. It was nice to see all those characters together. I was really afraid something sexual would happen. Oh, I think that all the time on the Internet. The animation wasn't bad.

It just didn't have that much point. I wanted something more poignant. Well, it got a high score, so that must mean something. Dang, I really didn't think she'd eat it all. Well, this isn't meant to be realistic.

Wow, I hadn't expected this to be so edgy. This was some pretty graphic stuff. The penis was pretty scary. Well, I'm just used to penises being used in stuff that has no plot. This was still great. Dang, that's a lot of naked boobs.

Well, I guess on pigs it's not that graphic. It was just really insane. I'd expect nothing less from you. Don't worry, I'm poor. I don't use much gas anyway!

Wow, you usually make such good cartoons. This was just way too short. It showed a cat being killed or at least horribly injured! Don't hurt cats. Well, it is just a warm up. I just expect more from one of my favorite cartoonists.

It was at least interesting, I suppose? It needed sound. You really shouldn't make a whole submission for this. That's more for like a demo reel. We need to see more of those.

marciano responds:

Thanks for commenting
A lot of people didn’t like the violence I didn’t mean anything by it
I love animals dogs and birds are my thing
This was just a practice run , getting familiar with the App
Once I had the cat meowing I didn’t know how to end it fast
The shoe came to mind and out the window it went
I’m working on something a bit longer and Unfortunately with a little violence towards birds
But in Gotham city you can’t avoid A little violence

Wow, I did not expect this to be so good. I mean, this was freaking amazing! You create this big beautiful and surreal world. I'm glad it was all a dream. I will admit that I wished it was longer. I wanted to see more of that beautiful world!

Still, it's an amazing cartoon. Easy to tell it was a collab. I mean, no one person could have made all of this! I just have to watch it more to understand it. The pacing is still great too. I sometimes wish all great cartoons were their own series.

Wow, I first saw this under judgement. In the moment I watched it, it got passed! I don't think it's quite one of your best cartoons. It just needed more satire. It's still hilarious for what it is. The animation as always was great.

I guess it's something more down to earth. Well, as much as these can get. The end was especially the most relatable. It's just fun. We're all at home now.

Hmm, that was actually pretty insightful. I thought this would be something about the coronavirus. Then again, there has been much racial tension too. You still put more effort into your rants than Pat Condell. Seriously, that guy sucks. I wasn't even aware of this style.

I admit that I can separate the artist from the works. As crazy as Mel Gibson has been, he's a good director. I'd rather mock someone like Uwe Boll. Well, both of them are born in this idea. I had no idea the singer of Judas Priest was gay.

I liked this because of the animation. I know some of these cartoons don't have that much action, at least not as much as most Madness flashes. This was still amazing because of its running time. The action was good for how long it was. I like the little details put into everything. I like their head shapes.

They're more realistic. Well, nothing about their designs is realistic. It's still put out well. I was afraid it might be boring. The buildup is quite good.

I thought this was quite funny. It was actually weird seeing that little 7. I thought it was like a top 10 list! Or I guess, a Top 7 list. The animation probably could have been better. It was at least good for what it was.

The cat joke was great. There must be a game where you can play as a cat. I don't even need to look that up. The setup was pretty good. It's basic, but it's still fairly unique for a cartoon here.

Axelstation responds:

This was a small idea I wanted to keep on the simpler side for time sake. I appreciate the feedback, and I'm glad you enjoyed it :)

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