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I believe this was a direct parody of "Wonder Woman 1984". I think the stop motion was very well done. It was oddly nice to see them getting well with Cheetah. It was nice to see Wonder Woman in action. I liked seeing the little things in the background. I believe that was Steve Trevor.

I like seeing your work with different superheroes. There's a lot of detail put into this. I never saw "Dune". I thought she said "Doom" at first. That movie was bad.

I thought this was pretty good. I guess it was pretty heartwarming. I rarely see clowns that aren't evil. Well, they're either that or sad. Clowns aren't even popular costumes. I admit the animation could have been better.

I'm more used to seeing those Spooky characters. I noticed the candy wrapper was partly green. I don't know why. This was just a sweet little story. Hee hee, sweet candy.

That was awesome! At first, I was afraid that it would be too short. Then, I thought it would be too long. It's still a great cartoon. Horror hosts are everywhere nowadays. Dr. Bad was quite entertaining.

The best segments were probably with Dr. Good. He had the best animation! I liked the concept of dread appearing as a villain. My favorite was probably Starbunkle. I thought HE would be the villain in that segment.

LuckoDaStars responds:

Thank you so much for liking that segment. I've been wanting to make something relating to my little guy for some time.

DannyGoodShirt responds:

Yeah i felt the same about length time when I was editing. But turned out fine imo. I agree Dr goods animation rocks. Thanks for checking it out!

This reminds me of your cartoon for the second Sonic movie. The joke was good. You always have such amazing animation. I don't remember the penguins from the games. Well, there's too many games to go through. I once got a ticket for not yielding.

Yeah, Bowser really is evil here. Penguins are always funny. The simplistic title works too. The thumbnail's cool too. This just wasn't one of my favorite cartoons from you.

Oh yeah, this was a Halloween submission. That makes sense. I appreciated how good the animation was. It looked like they had chocolate blood. I love that gif in the comments too. That would be a great art submission!

I loved how this escalated. I thought this guy looked like a giant sperm at first. Well, from an angle he did. He's more like a giant bean. I should expect more NG characters to appear in Pico flashes.

I thought this was quite cute! Well, as cute as a cartoon about a teenage serial killer could be. I was immediately thinking of Jeff the Killer, who was even referenced! Then again, I was thinking more about Ticci-Toby. I just finished binge reading Creepypasta. At least he got to Heaven.

I had no idea they were actually going to kill him! I mean, it's something sweet looking for murder! I bet the pie's pretty swee...aww, I shouldn't go into that. The animation was nice. It's been a while since I've seen "Caramelldansen".

horrorhare responds:

thank you! dont think that pie's gonna be any kind of sweet considering it's a "cottage" pie lol. ive been a fan of creepypasta for over a decade now, and truth be told this was sort of a play on how i made stories and characters in middle school!

I have to admit I didn't really care for this that much. It was just too short. I was hoping for a cartoon to begin. It had a guy hit with an anvil. That was about it. It was at least nice to include the real audio.

I know it's the real audio. I might have heard of this before. I appreciated the animation as it's now easy to recognize your style. Oh, Jaba, not Jabba. I just wanted more to happen.

Don't make me feel bad about studying Spanish in college! Wait a minute, since when do most people remember stuff like that anyway? Hey, I remember psychology! Anyway, this is wonderfully animated. I love hearing about other cultures like this. It seems like people in the USA know little about Chile anyway.

Wait, you guys had no representation at all! Where's the documentary about that like the one the Hari idiot made? Anyway, I really did find myself understanding these characters more. I didn't think there was an entire national celebration month. These characters should have their own sections here.

I have to admit this wasn't as good as I thought it would be. I thought it would be something really dark or something full of action. It was just a bit boring. Still, it has incredible backgrounds! Man, there was a lot of detail put into this! I believe that's supposed to say "Kart Insurance", not "Kart Inurance".

I still loved the lighting. It was indeed pretty cute. I hope Yoshi appears in the movie. It'll certainly be better than the 1993 movie's depiction of him. That is one cool town.

This was pretty funny, but it wasn't great at all. I just found it to be fine. The thumbnail made it look so much more epic. Oh, that was probably the joke. Dang, this took a while to get frontpaged. Is that because it's October?

Are squids supposed to be scary? Well, anything can be scary to anyone. I thought I was familiar enough with the game to understand this. Everyone loves it anyway. It's just good for me.

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