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I thought they were playing Scribblenauts. I mean, I think that has gameplay similar to this. I love how it wasn't just ten seconds. Everything's so short nowadays. I hope we don't degenerate into YouTube shorts. That format's just annoying.

This was seriously well animated. I especially found her likeable. Well, as much as I could know about her in such a short time. The title is nice and simplistic. This had a lot of action for something so short.

I've never been able to keep up with these characters. Everyone wears bikinis now anyway. I live in Florida. I know what that's like. I wasn't expecting this to be so in your face. This really did have great animation.

You still won't turn me into a furry. My only love is Rouge and probably Krystal. I can't even imagine what you'd do with Rouge. The voices were fantastic. Everyone's attracted to swimsuits.

I can easily say this is the best in the whole series! It was absolutely incredible with the animation and it had great action to boot! I had no idea the series was developing to something this epic. I heard a lot of stock sounds in this. I know more than just the Wilhelm scream. You really put everything into this!

I feel like I must have missed some entries. I couldn't have seen nine others. I guess he became a nose. Wait, he already has a nose! That's a nose within a nose! This works fantastically as a Halloween movie.

I'm truly surprised the rating isn't higher! You could have just included the last one here. I really was rooting for you when you were on top. I don't have that many bad memories of roller coasters. Well, this one wasn't even really bad. You wanted to go on it again!

I love how you included footage of the actual ride. I now know it exists! This is your longest cartoon ever, not including that two-part one. It's like "Brewstew: The Movie". I just pay attention to numbers like that. Hey, I focused more on the cartoon than my actual childhood this time!

I remember one of these being too short. This was long enough. I especially loved seeing the little Easter eggs. I loved seeing Kenny and Lotso. Yeah, I noticed those guys! I will admit the credits were a bit too long. Well, with all these collaborators, that makes sense.

Leon looks like Joanna Dark. In "Perfect Kirby", she was literally the sexiest cartoon character I've ever seen. Claire will never be as hot as Jill. I haven't seen the original. I'm sure this will win Daily Feature. Happy Halloween!

I liked how this one had a lot more action to it. It still wasn't perfect. I want to see how your stuff develops. You are just so detailed with your cartoons. The shadings amazing. I think this is cell-shaded.

I thought it would be something related to "Street Fighter". That's what most people think of on this website with the word "Street" in front. It was just going on the street. I can't remember their names. Oh, I can just look at the tags.

jumpbreak96 responds:

slowly developing and making them longer. wait for the big next one

Wow, I wasn't expecting it to get that dark. It was certainly a unique little cartoon. So, we finally got that Halloween collection this year. This deserved its thumbnail for now, I guess. It's great how the buildup pays off so well. This seems like something submitted for a film festival.

The animation style was so good. My only complaint was that it seemed to just fly by me. That was one big music box. That should have been a red flag. This was such a good Halloween cartoon.

Your last name is Castanon? I never knew that! Anyway, I had no idea what that creature truly was. I'm just going to say his true form was the squirrel. I mean, I'm reminded of Squirrel Girl being the most unbeatable superhero ever. Yeah, look that up!

That is a good lesson to teach kids. You would get their candy either way! Just do it the courteous way. Wait for them to give it to you. The animation was amazing too.

Luis responds:

Yeah convict has a history of identity issues. Hes getting therapy atleast

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