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Wow, this was very unimpressive. I mean, all you really did was show 2 seconds. It's still probably more than I could make for a submission. Well, my one submission was worse, as it got a lower score. Still, you should know better. It was too short.

There also needed to be sound. Was that the top of a skeleton that showed up or was it just hands? I couldn't tell. At least there was some shading with the tombstone. The lines were too dark.

Happy Mother's Day?! Wow, that was one random cartoon! This was freaking amazing! I had no idea what was going to happen. It had one of the most perfect endings. At first, I was thinking, "Yay, he attacked the guy!".

Then it turns out he was aiming for the (other) pinata. At least the other one survived, but then he died too. It looks like the kid got exactly what he wanted. Yeah, I could tell he was a pinata too from under his clothes. This animation was absolutely incredible! It's one of the best Halloween cartoons of all time, because it truly is about Halloween!

Wow, that was pretty crazy. It was hard to even tell what I was watching. I guess the best part was the animation. I mean, everything looked beautiful! Well, maybe "ugly" is a better term. I mean, it had impressive animation.

They both looked scary. It didn't really have anything to do with Halloween other than the scary imagery. The details were fantastic. I wouldn't trust either of them. Weird things can happen when you're shopping, I guess.

Potatoman responds:

I Trust them

It's always great to see Winnie The Pooh. I wish he was popular enough to get his own section. I was really thinking it would get violent. I love how you didn't mention Winnie in the title. That way, we knew what was going on. That rock was well animated.

Don't worry, Winnie hasn't been ruined by "Blood And Honey". That film was so awful no one cares. I've never had frozen honey before. Pooh's color kind of makes him LOOK like honey. That kind of makes sense.

I was wondering why this didn't appear until Halloween 2023. I guess because it's already in a series? It's still pretty scary. I mean, these designs were horrifying! I wish I knew what was going on. This was still very creative.

It'll take awhile to get used to. Everything is certainly eye-catching. Well, at least there some spoken words, albeit only in text. It's very nicely drawn. Hey, it's the 23rd of '23!

Wow, that was a cute little cartoon! I was afraid it would get sexual, given how these characters look. Eh, it didn't have an "A" rating. It's just great to see these cute little girls. I was also afraid it would turn violent. I'm glad it didn't!

The backgrounds are nice too. It may be short, but it's still great. It didn't really show how to carve a pumpkin. It showed already carved pumpkins! I liked that melty grandfather clock at 00:12.

It's great to see their full bodies. I didn't even realize her name was Manon. Kind of a strange name. Yes, I'm a fan of "Homestuck". It's been very hard to follow, of course. I wish this had more to do with it.

Then again, I probably wouldn't have understood the connections, anyway. It was awesome to see Cybermare and Manon go into action. I love how these two play off of each other. It's like Pinkie Pie and Maud Pie! There's that "Experimental" tag again.

Aww, so this is where it all started! I had no idea this series had its own section here. Well, maybe that just came up recently. Their voices sound different, especially Cybermare's. She sounds more like Glados here. I do love learning about the Internet.

You can look up KnowYourMeme while you're at it. I'm glad you mention both YouTube and Newgrounds. Wow, YouTube really demonetizes for swearing? That doesn't seem right. I'm glad NG is still relevant.

Yes, I remember those days. There are websites that have really fallen, though. It's painful to go onto Cracked. Then again, I'm really not into social networking sites to begin with. The hiding of the dislike button on YouTube has really killed it. Where else do I go for YouTube videos?

I love how Cybermare looked in the beginning. She rarely shows emotion. I'm surprised Wikipedia isn't a part of that list. There are other wikis that still quite popular. How is this experimental?

I had no idea what was going on, but it was amazing! You just had to love animation to love this. I love the unique designs of all the characters. Once again, I had no idea who they were. I know about taking pills. It was very fun.

Hey, I remember that part at 1:54. It's hard to forget such a heartwarming Simpsons moment. This guy did come off as pretty sympathetic. Oh, Genshin's a game. I should have known that.

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