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This really is a series that refuses to die! Then again, a lot of series have gone past #14. Just look at Kirbopher's TTA. Anyway, the animation and voice acting is as good as ever. Are they still in line at the bank? I think that's what was in the last episode.

I just like consistency. I like the ordinary conversations they have. I sometimes wonder about my fingers and toes like that. I was wondering where the hot dog would come in. It was quite clever.

LazyMuffin responds:

BANK??? no man they're getting a public access show!!!

I think this is one of your best episodes! It's of course nice to just be able to capture all the pop culture references. This is much better than "Family Guy". Then again, it's kind of more like "Drawn Together". They'd have random cameos in every episode. Hell, they even had Peter and Lois in one!

The best part is probably when you mock yourself at the beginning for all the pop culture references. The animation is fairly good. It's nice to see everybody playing a role. I love how Mr. Dillo keeps getting hurt. The cat in the hat joke was the best.

That was extremely impressive! I'm glad to be the first person of this year to review it. Not even Cyberdevil has a fairly recent one for this. I just love the music. It's really weird to remember all the characters! The animation is just so gorgeous.

You've shown that stick figures can move really fluidly. There are just so many things going on. It's hard to even pick out a specific point. Maybe the part where the guy fires and nothing comes out? There's just so much good stuff!

My only problem with this is that it was a little too short. You still know how to make a good episode. I think this wasn't as good as the first because it didn't set up the series. This is still fun to watch. I just like the way they communicate with signs. At least you got some medal!

I am familiar with this music. It was cool to see their ghosts fight each other afterwards. I just like how they're all part of different stages. It puts a nice story to it. The animation is as good as ever.

I can see why so many people like this cartoon. I saw it favorited a lot of times. It's mostly because of the different styles you use. I really thought it would feature the end of the world. I guess it's more philosophical this way. You drew pretty good for having your eyes closed.

It makes me think that this could have been the precedent for the asdf series. I admit that I'm not really a fan of those. I thought this was better! You just didn't know what to expect with this. I thought the dad was just drunk and not a zombie.

I am sorry, but this just isn't my thing. I guess there just should have been some introductions. I don't know who these boys are or why they're doing this. I guess they're just dumb, as the title suggests. The animation was pretty good. I like the idea of them targeting this fat guy.

He's so ugly he probably deserves it. There should have been a "Start" button. The voicework wasn't bad. The rocket idea was kind of good. I think there's potential, you just need to have more going on.

It was cool to see how the series started. I will admit that it wasn't as good as the later ones, but still quite fun! You really did get a nice fakeout. I knew the cartoon wouldn't end just there. You're too talented an artist to do that! The music was nice too.

It's great to see how this gets more complex as it goes on. These really aren't stick figures. They're more like fat featureless bodies. They have the stick heads at least. It's fairly unpredictable.

It's great to have all these wonderful voice actors. There are so many characters that it's hard to remember all their names. I just need great animation to know everything's wonderful! I guess we did find out what happened to the noob. Well, maybe I'll be surprised later. I like how the robot that sounds like a guy wants to be a girl.

That was the joke, right? At least you use the same characters. There's so much emotion in everything. It makes you realize how diverse this game is. There are a lot of names of cartoons like this one out there.

This really was quite funny. Even if I'm not that familiar with this game, I can laugh at it. It's mostly because this horse is just so stupid. Well, the other one's pretty dumb too. The animation is so lush in this. It's just great to see everyone frustrated.

The last joke was the best. I just like how stupid that horse looks. I am glad to know you go under all these aliases. It's hard to keep up. I can still always recognize your animation style.

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