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He wins

This was a great recreation of the movie "Se7en" as it really seet its sights well. It did not have the best artwork, but was still very enjoyable to watch. I especially like how you take dialogue from the movie and alter it by making it relevant to this website. I did kind of get the feeling that it went on a bit too long. I was so glad that quiz at the beginning was not the whole thing, as I had no clue what was going on there. It seems like he actually did not give in that much as he delievered a quick kill.

No need getting caught up

I was afraid that I was not going to be able to understand what was going on as I had not seen the previous cartoons. It was quite nice of you to make it so that it simply did not matter. I also enjoyed the credits, even if they could have been a little funnier. I do not recall seeing the ghost of PineappleClock or most of the clocks mentioned in the opening credits. I suppose this did a good job of delivering a straightforward message to the watcher. I do normally look for more detailed flashes.

What a fail!

I certainly was expecting the most well animated clock flash of all time, but I should have known better. It just sounds like it would have been better to just do that. The animation all around was good, especially that in the fake movie. I could tell the audio at the end was Marvin Martian from "Looney Tunes". You really reflected my frustration as well as not being able to know what happened next. At least you guys managed to give us a great laugh in the process of making something that seemed so artsy.

CorpseGrinderClock responds:

I am begging you dear God teach me how to make better flash

What's with the kats?

I love cats and I do not quite understand why this was supposed to be that funny. I guess there was nothing wrong with the animation, but the joke(s) need(s) work. It was still fairly nice to hear that "What's New, Pussycat?" music at the end. DId you by chance use an actual sound clip that your cat recorded and is that your cat's real name? It seems strange to love someone or something that you treat as a punching bag. At least we can all agree that this world would be bad without the cats.

So funny

It is great to see Pube Muppit again, especially as he tries to stop himself from doing his usual routine. There were certainly a lot of things going on. I especially liked how you had so many visual gags, like the cogs turning in the Clock's heads. Another funny line was how StrawberryClock sarcastically said it was genius to make it say, "gaycino". I do now ask myself something that I wish I had thought of before. Why is Pube Muppit talking in that Speakophone voice when he is not a clock?

Kind of ironic, huh?

It would have been just fine for me if you had stopped right there when StrawberryClock shot TurdClock. It was a perfect way to bring up the mood. I can now confirm that TurdClock is gay for StrawberryClock even though he treats him like, well, what he is. I found it funny you used OnionClock as a news caster. It reminds me of the satirical newspaper/website "The Onion" which gives fake news reports. I had no idea what the spider clock was doing there, but he was pretty good.

The end!

It is always interesting to look back at early stuff the Clock Crew made. I think that besides StrawberryClock, you were the first Clock on this website, right? It was nice to see the good visuals that seem to last to today. I also like it how SBC chose such a basic number as a symbol, as "B" on its own shows up a lot in regular language. I was thinking it would be an infinite loop but it did eventually end. It did not have much going on and it was short, but at least it was fine while it lasted, and I liked the extras.


I have no idea that a hagelslag is, but I assume that is what the clock looks like. There is not much else to say about this, as it was quite short. I could not understand the joke, and I do not think I have ever heard of Frankie Boyle before. "My pussy is haunted"? Is that just supposed to mean that you are simply so old your vagina has ghosts in it? I kind of think it might have something to do with the fact that the clock was a hagelslag as I once again have little idea as to what that means.

He's dead?!

Dude, I was seriously not expecting StrawberryClock to die in this! The end does leave me with some questions, like wouldn't OrangeClock be a ColorClock? He is the same shape and size as a ColorClock and if he is a fruit clock, then who is the real Orange (color)Clock? Anyway, this had some good twists and turns, but it could have used more music. It was overall fun to see all of those clocks being credited. You threw in a pretty neat thing at the end and I hope you had a good winter season.

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