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It was okay

Well, this one a very interesting flash and it was certainly original. It made no sense at all, not that that's something I complain about when seeing a goofy flash. The dinosaur looked kind of cheap with how it was basically a copied image. I noticed some of the characters were chopped up before the chainsaw got to them. Still, it's something that I never would have seen in my wildest dreams. I think that Lady Gaga is pretty good, by the way.

DrSevenSeizeMD responds:

The only way my animating is gonna improve is with practice. I just need more time to work on it, I've got 0 experience with it all.....Lady Gaga is complete garbage. But thanks for the review mate.


Wow, I thought this was going to be about zombies, but it wasn't. It still works great, though. I really liked the animation in this one, especially with how the characters and the shots of the shack by itself were pretty impressive. It reminds me of some other things that are sound clips set to porn here on Newgrounds. While I'm a bit turned off (lol) by gay rape, this was very well done and was quite enjoyable. The animation and use of sound clips are, again great.

It's here!!

For years, I had watched this video on YouTube and other places. It had even appeared as something Weird Al Yankovic put on one of his shows. I recognized Newgrounds as the #1 flash place on the Internet and was so happy to see this finally submitted! It's fantastic you're back and (while this wasn't new) submitting stuff to Newgrounds, pyropymp!

As for the video itself, it is awesome in everything. The animation is splendid, and everythings syncs well with it, not to mention the song itself is wonderful (as you can imagine, I'm a big fan of Weird Al). It's great for him to put in some satire (he doesn't normally do that), but he does it great here.


Well, at first I thought this was going to be a game or something, but it turned out to be something fantastic! I knew that from the beginning with those awesome swirling things this was going to be something great! I was very impressed by the different things used in this. I loved the spider-legged creature and the rocket destroying the setting of the Javanoid game. All of the effects were done flawlessly. It worked great as an experimental cartoon.


It's been a long time since you've submitted something here, Tmst, and I'm very glad to see some new work of yours. I didn't understand the notion of everybody peeing, it just seemed so random. What really saved this, however, was the fantastic animation! You perfectly represented the characters and all of their body movements across it. It seems like this is the first time in awhile I've seen a bar (like on YouTube) at the bottom at the screen.

The funniest bit was probably J. K. Rowling going insane. And yes, I went and googled "Drarry" and it was pretty bad.

It got better!

I wasn't expecting much, as it took awhile for the cartoon to load. However, I had a feeling it was going to be good upon finding you could expand the movie just by clicking it. I love surreal stuff and while this wasn't some of the finest I've seen, it was good. The character designs were very interesting, not to mention the use of CGI. I believe the maze was supposed to spell out the word "Alt" or something. I knew there was an "A" and an "L'' in there at least.

AlmightyCerebrum responds:

thank you

Very good!

Well, I'm glad I now understand Ban Day more as I read the description. I guess you could call me a fan of the Lock Legion as they have their ups and downs like the Clock Crew. I really liked that green logo at the beginning. It was also funny to get more familiar with all the members of the Lock Legion and just know how they were doing. The best part was definitley the "Thriller" dance at the end. It was also funny when Mp3Lock hit people with his massive banhammer.

Did I see the first one?

I thought that this was pretty well done. I thought that the animation wasn't the best, as it could've used more variety of color. It still had a pretty interesting story and I thought the voicework was nice (Rina-chan can just never go wrong, can she?). While I couldn't follow the story that well, I think the characters were represented rather nicely. While not the most interesting, I felt that I could get more into their personalities and motives than I thought I could. The loading screen with the spinning eye was pretty cool as well.

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