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Very nice indeed

I was impressed by this, and thought it worked well as an experimental animation. It obviously had a lot of deep thought put into it, with the choice of song. I really enjoyed how the characters moved and how they were designed. I'm not sure if that red person was meant to the protagonsist's spouse of his father or something like that. It was also pretty goofy and violent with the dog being blown up and being hit and the like. I've never heard this song before, but thank you for making me acquainted with it.

Very nice!

I had never heard of this "Ban Day" before, but I'm very glad there's a day celebrating it! I loved every bit of this, from the intro (well, everyone has that on this day, but yours won as the first at least). I also loved how the charater's locks turned into eyes. Perhaps the only use of that in a Lock flash I have ever seen! It was also great how you put in a cute cat (who was purple of all colors!). While it was sad to see the cat get killed, at least you had a lot of great jokes and animation while doing it.


Well, I'm not the biggest fan of "Sketched" but I can at least say I'm glad to write my first review of a cartoon. I like this a lot, and I think you speak a lot of truth by saying people are obsessed with slogans. I have no clue what that "butter" thing means anyway, but I'd probably be interested in buying a T-shirt of it anyway. You really don't see a lot of stuff featuring talking souvenirs, so I praise you for originality. I go into those things all the time and I do in fact look more at the novelty items than clothes anyway. Heck, I would buy one of those things!

Great stuff!

At first I thought this was imitating Egoraptor, but this really did have a style of its own! Thanks for the warning about Wario's ass and Mario's nipples. That probably was the most unpleasant part of the cartoon. Anyway, I really liked how you used a green outline for Mario and you even used outlines that suited each of the individual characters. I'm not a fan of Dr. Mario, so I really don't understand the jokes much, but I can appreciate the catchy song at least. The body movements (especially the end) were done nicely too.


I hadn't seen new stuff from you in a whopping four years! The Star Wars Gangsta Rap video was my favorite piece of work from you, and it's great to see a followup! I was especially impressed at how the body movements have improved. I liked how the character's hands moved, but I was disappointed to find out that this was only a preview.

I just saw the full version on the website, so now I can give a fuller review of it. I thought this was probably better than the original, as it featured a lot more characters and a lot more action of course. Why did you not submit the full version here?

pyropymp responds:

Glad you liked it ;) But please read my author's comments for explanation. Thanks.

Quite impressive

It was short, obviously, but it was supposed to be, because it was a shot at a TV commercial. I hope you won as this was well done. Sure, it was nowhere near on the level like stuff as "Tarboy" but it was pretty cute. I especially like the way the characters are animated, with their face and body expressions. It was also cool to hear that "Wahoo!" every time you touched the guy at the "Replay" screen. I am in fact a huge fan of Doritos.

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