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Okay at best

I really think that line is black and not gray, but whatever. It's been awhile since I have seen one of these things and it may look kind of dated. It is due to the fact that these were not intended to be that good and were created more as joke flashes, which is fine with me. I guess you did a pretty good job of putting a philosophical argument among triangles. I still don't understand what the pink triangle said at the very beginning. At least you learned how to bake a good souffle from this.

Not terrible

Well, I watched something or two of the Tails series, and I was disappointed this was a joke. However, I should at least praise this for being creative. It was in fact really cool to see all of those different clocks and their designs pop up on the screen for no reason. I have never heard of this "rush" song before and I like the voice in it. It was really cool to see the different scenes with "Scarface" with Tails' face on different people. While this is still not something I would recommend, it was at least creative.

A good flash indeed

It's really nice to see how you can take a relatively simple idea and really expand it into something great. All the animation was done nicely, and I simply liked looking at the details in the books on the shelves. The exagerrated character actions helped it too. It even works well for action scenes with the wizards fighting each other. It was even funny to hear their little voices go off every now and then. Also, yes, it was pretty entertaining to watch the little "Credits" animation.

Very funny

I had not seen the previous entries in the series, but I do not think they were even that important. It was funny in the commentary that I figured out there was a crack. I thought at first that he was hit by a basketball or something. I also liked it how he spun around after dying that time, probably the best death. I am not quite sure if he died when he stapled himself and how that was used at the end even though I am not sure it was an actual death. I would have liked this to be longer, but it was still a great watch.

I'm the lord of the flies

It helps that I'm such a nerd and I enjoy hearing about renditions of popular books. The crumbly looking paper background really did it for me. The funniest parts were probably the jokes made not about the story itself (about being uncool and having a mean face). The art wasn't the best, but it had pretty much everything you could expect from a good flash. It was also nice to use that literal thing at the end. While there could have been some more jokes about the actual story, it was still pretty nice.

It was okay

I was not able to understand what was being said, which is sad seeing as how I was in Spanish class for two years. The animation was pretty nice, although I could sense it was made back in 2003. I guess you were at least able to give us some funny situations for the characters to be in. It was a bit amusing to figure out which one of them was going to die next. The part where the guy was on fire (I KNEW that was gasoline) was nice too. Even if I couldn't understand this to fully appreciate it, it was alright.


Gee, it's so hard for me to rank this low, as it was intended to be for a collab. I mean, it jut doesn't seem like much, with the simple animation of the whale falling. I think the song is pretty good, but it can get annoying after awhile with just the same song. It's too bad this didn't go in that collab as I'm sure it would too much better accomodated by other things. Still, you at least tried to make this good for something even if it did not succeed. I hope you are able to get into collabs where this can be appreciated much more.

Viridis responds:



I guess this was supposed to just be an experimental film with no real plot. That being said, it was hard to find anything particularly good or bad about it. I guess the animation transitions were pretty interesting especially with the clock at the beginning. I liked how you put the "Blam" thing in, as a sort of satire on flashes coming here. How ironic this would itself get such a high score. The music was okay, and if I could make suggestions, I would say have more things going on with more effects.

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