View Profile Ericho

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First one seen in widescreen

Catface is hilarious as usual. The only thing keeping me from giving you a 10 was the length! It should have been longer! Oh well, I rate a 10 to these "Catface" flashes of yours someday...

I couldn't help myself

Sure, it didn't have really any animation, but it's once again just great to see the artwork that all of you guys and your crazy ideas lead you to make! Also liked the zoo idea.

Best in the series

I really do wonder how traumitizing it would be for animals to get fixed. While not the greatest, your "Alfred" series is demented enough to be enjoyable.

Also, great ending.

Here we go again

I just adore seeing Catface all the time. I saw this on your website a lot earlier, so at least it was closer to Christmas when I saw it! Boxcat? Dude, you've created a new lolcat! I also loved the ending where he talked about the glittering pinecone.

Great as usual

Another great flash from the mind of Wonchop! It may have been short, but the animation was superb, especially the expressions of the kids after looking at that strange evil octopus. I also liked the running gag of that old guy on the slide thing.

Yeah, cats

I love cats, especially ones that talk. It's always funny to see celebrities appear in silly fictional worlds, like one that has a giant floating cat head with a small body. You British think of everything!

Another great flash from Catoblepas!

The animation and surrealism is as impressive as ever, especially the eye stabbing, and that devil guy.

Such a low score?

I personally thought it was cool to see all those posts you made! The intro with the 3D was great as well. The music also set the atmosphere well. Sheesh, I liked it at least.

Good music video

I wish there was a bit more action, but it was still a really good appeal to emotion, and I liked the use of sprites.

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

Age 35, Male

2719 E. 8th Street

Joined on 9/21/08

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