View Profile Ericho

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Good idea!

I was a little disappointed that this wasn't an actual game, but it's still a nice idea for a video at least.

That song is so catchy

Great to hear that crazy song with all those sprites and animation! Fantastic! The only thing that kept me from giving it a full 10 was that it didn't have the opening song with it! Ah, you should've had that in!


It wasn't much, but the stop-motion was done fairly well. This was okay.


Thx lol

Pretty well done

It was interesting to imagine what it would be like to be a flower plucked from the grass and forced to live in a house. I liked how he gradually lost the pedals as well as the ending.

Nice to hear you guys

With an all-star cast of Rina-chan, Daniel-Sun, and Psycosis91, this simply couldn't go wrong! The animation was ridiculously good, especially the body movements, especially the reindeer at the end.

Nice break

While wierd to see something from you not superhero-related, this was still a great flash. Her eyes are wierd. So I guess Jack Chick isn't completely crazy.

Great effects!

This had wonderful animation! I do wish it was a little longer and the tune was a bit catchier, but still, the artwork was fantastic, especially as you seemed to use different styles!


That was some of the most gorgeous animation I have ever seen. Every second was a visual delight. I'm sure there was some sort of deep meaning, but I don't know what it is. It's still a great flash. The fact that this was done with bitmaps makes it even better. You sir, are talented.

Pretty watchable

Sure, it wasn't much, but you were talking about how it was your first support and you wanted to hear reviews. While it was boring, the character design was nice enough. I'm sorry if this gets blammed. Work harder and you can do better, I'm sure!

Kept getting better

At first, this didn't look like anything too great, but the overlongness of the gag only make it funnier, not to mention how he was telling the truth at the second to last thing.

sirjeffofshort responds:

Awesome man, I'm glad you liked it, I'm also glad you stuck with it long enough to enjoy it even though your expectations are initially low, you don't always see that kind of respect paid on the internet. I hope we were able to pique your interest enough to check out our other and future animations. Thanks for the review.

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

Age 35, Male

2719 E. 8th Street

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