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I knew you were Jeremie! I loved this because of how violent it was. Well actually, it was really funny too. It was weird how he didn't shatter all at once. It does make sense with the very ending. I just love the animation.

The audio was great too. What did this have to do with "I Love Egg"? It was just about eggs in general. While I found your other one better, this was still great. I'm glad there's great parodies like this.

You're not going to believe this! I was just looking up the movie "Good Burger" right before watching this! What a crazy coincidence! While this wasn't that elaborate, I still loved it. I think it's mostly because Cold Heart is so funny. I love seeing him with Krusty the Klown's body.

The other characters were very unique. It was nice to hear an English song with no fake lyrics. It still works well for an animuation! It's a pity I never got into "Care Bears". I know nothing about this character.

Wow, this seriously made the papers?! I’m impressed! I admit that I didn’t like this that much. It wasn’t much of an animutation. It just showed the same guy over and over. I still like its energy.

Dave Thomas died awhile after this. Everyone was talking about that for awhile. I doubt it’s related. I liked the Super Smash Bros. background. This just needed to have more characters.

This was quite a funny cartoon. I do wish it was longer and had more jokes. The sequel did better, though. Boku looks like a lizard when he's transforming. The voices are pretty good. I believe you did them all.

You got the drawings of the characters down pretty well. I like how everyone just stares. Gell's an okay parody name. You get better with them, though. You're so funny as the narrator.

That was a really nice cartoon. I thought it was going to be something cynical. Instead, it had a lot of heart. You know how to create good atmosphere. It was great to hear that Christmas song too. It's October but the spirit lasts the whole year!

There's a nice variety of music and it can be quite sad. I guess the animation could have been better. It's still good. Merry Christmas of whatever year! This was certainly made with good intentions.

I ended up liking this. I am not a fan of this series. I still think it can be good. I really did like the voices. Well, it was mostly just one voice. I guess the other voices annoy me.

I also enjoyed seeing Santa as a bunny. I guess that's a literal combination of two holidays. That reminds me of how good "The Nightmare Before Christmas" is. It was a nice parody of that classic poem.

I admit that this doesn't make any sense. It was pretty much just made to show off Flash 5. I still enjoyed this. It's mostly because it takes pride in how silly it is. I don't think I've heard of Topman before. They probably have a Man for everything in those games.

I like the flower guy. No, I don't know their names. I didn't grow up playing "Mega Man". I think the small size worked well. The sprites looked better.

I thought this was just passable. It wasn't that good as it just retold the story with the lyrics. It made less sense that way. I can understand the intention. It was unique for its time. Bin Laden has since been found and killed.

The animation wasn't that good. I did like the voice. It did seem like you just took audio somewhere else. I've seen more creative cartoons out there. It was at least mediocre.

It's kind of sad to see this with a lower score than most of your cartoons. I admit this wasn't one of the best episodes. It doesn't really matter because it's still great as always! The voices are always wonderful. I especially like the transformation scenes. The colors are great!

It's interesting to see these characters as humans. It kind of reminds me of "Equestria Girls". Everyone is still charming. There could have been a bit more action. It's still beautiful to look at.

I had a nice time watching this. The animation was mostly great. Then again, it did seemed stilted at times. I still really appreciated this. It's a fairly original idea that works well. I really like watching all the ghosts leave the bodies.

It's a very clever idea. I like the designs of these characters. This definitely has potential for a series. I just loved the bright colors. The voices are really good too.

Kieran-s responds:

Glad you enjoyed. Yep I cheaped a lot of the animation so I could focus more time on other assets. Also because it was taking so dang long. I agree voice actors did a great job, thanks!

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