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I admit it's kind of predictable. A cutesy guy appearing during a virus? It won't end well. I actually thought it was done pretty well. I was wondering what happened to "2 Dumb Babies". Obviously, it's somewhere else now.

The animation's great. It's just one joke, but it's very funny. I can appreciate that. The colors are lush too. That's to be expected in a cartoon like this.

Tomorrows-Nobody responds:

You can find 2 Dumb Babies on YouTube and the audio podcast everywhere you find podcasts.

I like that bait and switch bit. The animation was good and deranged. Everything was just so unpredictable. I guess Humpty Dumpty never did say he would jump off. You really fooled us with that title. I didn't think it was great though.

It could have had more a joke. It's still good. I imagine they couldn't put that guy back together either. It's pretty worthy for front page. You're pretty talented, meatcanyon.

Wow, that was really weird. It was still good! I appreciate the creativity. It's nice to see nuns being depicted as so awesome. Shouldn't this have an A rating? It shows a naked woman.

Well, with her fat, she could just as easily be mistaken for a fat guy. There's just so much going on. It seems like it could have ended earlier. That's not a compliment. I'm glad it went on.

Honestly, I didn't think that was that funny. Still, the animation was gorgeous. Well, that's not the only thing considered gorgeous here. There was certainly a lot of detail. It's amazing how prolific you are. I don't like taco salad that much.

I admit that I'm not familiar with these characters. It's hard to remember all your cartoons. Well, you do make only about five or six per year. I'm not into skateboarding. They are indeed sweet.

I thought this would be a really long cartoon. I mean, not from the title or anything. It's just that you've made a lot of them lately. It looks more like part of a collab. I've seen a big collab lately. I admit to not being into "Doom".

This was still very funny. I love how random it is. That comedy works in small doses. The animation is great as well. You seemed to have gotten better at drawing. Well, someone going as long as you should.

The best part is easily the end. I think that was the exact last second of the cartoon! I mean, I know they were building up to him appearing. I thought it would be the tomato soup. it wasn't one of my favorites, but still awesome. The animation is great too.

Wait, under the sea, don't fish eat other fish? I mean, sharks eat fish. Or do they mostly eat like molluscs? Why is that ranked as misspelled? I just looked it up.

Wow, that was one of the most amazing flashes I've seen in a long time. The best part is how it just keeps on going and going. The endings are easily the best part. I mean, you just think it's going to end over and over. Even the final ending was surprising for me! The colors are absolutely amazing!

How the heck did I miss this when it got Daily Feature? It's am amazing cartoon! I was thinking that I wished this would be a real game. Then it got to the end. As in, the very very very end. So incredible!

Friday already? I admit that the date has little effect on me. It's because of the coronavirus. I knew it would dominate the news. i really did like seeing that alien again. I guess this is my biggest source of news now.

What a tribute to an old woman! My grandmother died recently too. I think she was even the same age! Glad I don't live in Chicago. I still haven't worked in a long time.

threebrain responds:

You should always get your news from Shing Fla!

Aww, so you have been regularly updating. Dang, is this a long running series now! Anyway, I knew you'd mention the coronavirus. A national leader being diagnosed with it really is big news. Well, it's certainly affected us. I love the details with the weather duck.

Luckily, it's not near Florida. That still hasn't stopped everything around here being closed down. Jimmy Pee riffing on old people? How hypocritical. I think he was still funnier in the other cartoons.

I was kind of impressed by this. I will admit that it was kind of a one joke cartoon. I just wanted more action. Looking at the thumbnail, I thought it would be anime related. It seemed like it wasn't. Then it was!

I'm not really into "King Of The Hill". I personally just think it's okay. The animation really is very funny. I'm so glad it didn't get too graphic. The voices were pretty spot on.

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