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How is the rating not higher?! I freaking loved this! I think it has even more contributors than any other collab I've seen here! It's not the longest, but still amazing. I personally think "Sonic X" was my favorite Sonic cartoon. I found out it's actually ranked as the lowest on the IMDb.

Well, I stand by that notion. It was more faithful than any other adaptation. I expected the credits and info listed to be a lot longer. Well, this website probably couldn't handle one that long! I'd have to watch it over and over to pick a favorite part.

AlexMint responds:

I guess maybe relatively few of the animators are on Newgrounds?

That was a really nice cartoon. I thought it would have a lot of action. Instead, it didn't need to be. The best part is how well you set up these characters. I admit to not remembering them. I review thousands of things so it's hard to tell.

The colors were pretty nice. Maybe the animation could have been a bit better. It's still a good pick for Daily Feature. It did have a pretty good story too. What a nice score!

I didn't know this was a collab. I mean, usually it's in the actual name! This was a great surprise. Okay, I expected something good from this being in the Top 50. It's just that last time it was mostly just April Fool's. These really were unique.

Seems like it's been too long since I saw stick stuff. Well, it's mostly died out by now. The music was wonderful and appropriate too. Even the title is really flashy! How did this only win Daily 4th Place?!

This reminded me of a video by HappyHarry. Someone complained he hadn't made any cartoons this year. He looks at him and says "You're in one!". This wasn't that original. That being said, it was still funny! The animation never fails to amuse me.

I haven't been following your cartoons for that long. I still recognize some of these characters. I've become a fan in a short time. Too late for April Fool's. You've been making cartoons consistently!

Hmmm, this is one of the highest ranked cartoons ever and it's just after April Fool's Day? I get what you're doing. It was submitted on March 31, frontpaged on April 1st and won the daily 4th place on April 2nd! What a combo! The animation was quite nice. It's certainly unique.

It's just not that good. Well, that's how a Daily 4th Place winner would look like. This was pretty catchy. It's just not one of the best out there. I can still appreciate the joke (I think?).

I admit I expected something more from an April Fool's Day joke. Then again, your other stuff is already comedy. This seems appropriate. This was a brilliantly animated cartoon. The best part is how it looks like it could be part of the actual game! It's so beautiful.

Great to know you talented guys are still active. Happy April Fool's Day! I guess your other parodies were just of real video games. This certainly could be a great game. Any idea could!

I knew there would be something April Fool's Day related here. I thought it would just be one overly long gag. I was thinking of Kirbopher. He had like nine minutes where nothing happened. There was some legitimate news here. I think.

I did fall for the Ellen Degeneres thing. I'm too easy to fool. Happy April Fool's Day! It's been so long since I saw the last episode, I thought the series wasn't coming back at all. You know, like TTA.

Did I watch the whole thing? You know I did.

I was thinking it would be an April Fool's Day joke. Well, these are good either way. I feel bad for not following you! I haven't seen most of these cartoons! Well, it's still a cool video. I didn't know you made stuff like this.

You know, with the live-action stuff. It's still great to see. We all like to look back at our accomplishments. You've done very well. Dang, are you prolific!

It's nice to see a cartoon from RomeoJR! Then again, I'm not your biggest fan. Well, the animation is intentionally bad. I think. The voices are actually pretty funny. I guess the colors are fine.

I think these are at least watchable. The voices aren't bad. It's certainly sick. The bit with the naked guy was still funny. These aren't quite for me.

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