View Profile Ericho

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Well, what can I say? I believe this is the highest rated cartoon that has ever been submitted to the entire site! At least at the time of this review. No doubt this will win every award out there. I just love how you are sending such a good message to everybody. I may never become an animator myself, but I have always aspired to.

I recognize your self design from the animation revolution cartoon. Go Animate is and always will be dead. Vampire T-Rexs are pretty cool. Reminds me of Sharknado. I feel like I got to learn a lot about you. Thank you for wanting to spread your love and influence to everyone.

Wow, this Salvonic stuff really is cool! Seems like I've just been running into a lot of great things by my favorite animators! I appreciate the awesome animation. I think this may be the longest music video you've ever worked on. I know that doesn't sound like much, but this is just so impressive in itself, it doesn't really matter. I'm not sure there's a deeper meaning in this.

I'm surprised Peabo wasn't listed under Credits & Info. It's nice to have such good artwork. I really am getting to recognize the voices in your work. I think the person at the end was supposed to be an older version of the main character. That or Albert Einstein.

I was really wondering why people liked this. I just found it strange because it didn't seem to make any sense. Needless to say, at the end, it all came full circle. This doesn't seem to be part of a collection, so it obviously did not go to the final of whatever you're talking about. The voicework was pretty nice. I really had no clue what would happen next.

It now seems more obvious at the end. I guess peeing on something gives life to something like you. Makes as much sense as anything else here. He looks a lot like a light bulb. I like those half face shots.

I really liked this. I think it's probably because this is just the one in the series that has the highest of spirits. I enjoy seeing them finally go over to where they wanted to be. Dang, that guy still looks pretty skinny. I think the animation and voices are good, as I always say, or type. Ten episodes isn't really that much.

It's just that you have worked on so many cartoons, it seems like a lot. I am quite knowledgable of what's going on. You thought there were pregnant kids? While it didn't have much action, it was still quite good. You know what your fans want!

Welcome to Newgrounds, sir! This is one of the greatest cartoons I have ever seen in my life! I wish it could have been a full length movie! Please allow everything you ever work in your entire life to come to this website. I don't know, it might even fact be THE best animation I've ever seen in a cartoon here. This is animation of the future!

I even managed to get so attached in everything, even though I had no idea what was going on. Every single second made it seem like I was right there on the action! I would love this to at least be a series, if not a movie! We need talented and masterfully done stuff like this here! It doesn't get any better than this! I was on the edge of my seat (chair?) the whole time!

This is another really stunning cartoon from you. I was thinking this was a song loop, as are most of your things. I knew it couldn't be, because of the format it was in. I think this worked out very well for you! I just love how it all comes together at the end. I had no idea that would happen.

I thought the severed face would just be some random joke. It really did turn out to be important to the plot. The fact that it manages to have a plot is quite amazing. Not your best in terms of animation, but still very good. Those didn't seem to sell too well (heh, rhymes).

Well, I guess I can't say this was bad. It is kind of weird how this has such a high score. Was this an April Fool's Day joke? I doubt it. I appreciate you trying to educate others about blind people. I did, however, not feel like I learned that much. You should have put in some more statistics.

I don't know that much about statistics, but what percentage do you have to be blind to be considered legally blind? I recognized that video game character from "Mushroom Kingdom Fusion". Dang, that game has it all! I like how you abbreivated Project. I hope this did well in your class.

rubinho146 responds:

Actually the video game character is one of the enemies from Warioland Super Mario Land 3

Wow, I admit that I was a bit let down by how they didn't do any battling, but this was still an awesome cartoon. It's really even better than it sounds. I have no clue what's going on whatsoever. I can recall the man's voice using the same program from Clock Crew cartoons. It helps that the animation is as good as ever. I guess cats are evil.

I just think the opening is so funny with how the animals randomly walk into people. The artwork with how Saten and Jezus just bounce on their animals is adorable. It does seem reminiscienct of your music videos. They're both completely bizarre. Great stuff as always.

Sexual-Lobster responds:

cheers, ericho. a few people have mentioned they expected a fight, but it didn't even occur to me to make them do that.

Yeah, I had a feeling this wouldn't work out well for him. I think the best thing here is how long it takes to describe what's going on. It just makes the entire thing pointless. The humor works well in that. I'm still waiting for something else in the Gone Too Far. Well, I guess it's not really a series.

This is probably my favorite in that it works so well with what it is. I thought it said "Tape" at first. I mistook it for another cartoon in the series. I had a great Halloween and I hope you did too. The facial expressions shine as always.

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