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Just gorgeous

Seeing as how there are so many fans of Eastern animation, it is great to see stuff from people who are actually from the East! The animation is fantastic and extremely stylish. It even manages to have a funny cartoonish feel to it. Like I have no clue why the cars turn green when they get blown up, but it is so cool looking. I think it works well because Voitman is basically all that you would expect in a superhero. I can really tell the difference we have in cultures even when we imitate others.

Quite underrated

This is one of the most well crafted and insane flashes I have ever come across on this website! It is not in the style of David Firth, but something truly great in its own right. The music is quite fitting, as it is simply so insane. You could go on all day about how great the creatures look, even if I doubt I would ever be able to figure out the deeper meaning in this. First, there's a guy on a show about Fat Celebrities with a robot leg. Then there's a live-action gif of a guy just walking through the door.

What's with those stars?

As your first submission, it is great that you started off with something so hysterical! What matters is that these are the most sensible questions that would ever be asked in real life. What are all of these little powerups and things doing around to help Mario? You think that Mario would be more prepared as he was shot after a few times. The animation is also insanely goofy, especially with how crazy Bowser looks. Even when the main gag was over, you went on to something else funny.

It gets better!

I think this is one of the first episodes where the series starts to have an actual story. Obviously through all of that, it has loads and loads of awesome action scenes. It is just interesting to see how fast Hank can go and how his little hands beat up everybody. Every great action series should have a scene at a train at one point. I just love looking at the little signs in the background even if I can not remember what any of them fully say. The one near Jebus says, "So like, stop going so fast, or I don't care".

Naruto never gets old

Here's to the first part in this awesome series introduced to this website! It is so fun simply because the animation looks so cheap but everyone just looks so adorable in this. I should have known that you would get in one music video thing at the end. I liked the pokemon parody, but it would have been funny if Kabuto was in there. It is still always great to reference the awesomness that is Team Rocket. It is just funny to see all of those cool characters in one piece in such funny scenarios.

You suck James!

This was a very adorable flash and even though I know little about "Silent Hill" all the jokes are greatly executed. It has a style unique and not just a knockoff of something like the "Awesome" series. I think the "2 seconds later" thing was probably about 2 seconds long. One of the funniest parts was probably when the girl looked so sad after she acted scary to James. I love his little blue eyes and how he and all the other characters move. There is just so much depth in the visual humor.

Pretty crazy

I think this was still more creative than a lot of the other submissions that have such low ratings. I suppose the guy was supposed to be Bill Cosby and it was funny to see that purple dinosaur with him. I liked how you showed some "Tron" pictures. Overall, it was not something I would recommend because it was a "spam" flash (I guess) which are seldom genuinely good. It was neat how you made this on your own and are not part of the Kitty Krew or something. That loop is getting a bit annoying.

Nice Bond pastiche

This gets extra points simply because it used that awesome song at the end I have not heard in a long time. It was a pretty creative idea to combine two completely unrelated series together. I liked how cheesy it looked when Peon Bond was flying over the castle. It was fairly short, but it had lots of entertaining parts. The graphics in this were really interesting, but I know little about Warcraft 2 anyway. I thought it was going to be a game at first with the scope sight in the beginning of the cartoon.

I'll bet there were a lot of actors

I think this is one of your longest submissions, as it was over ten minutes long! (I think) How ironic you would put it on Halloween when it had nothing to do with Halloween. There are just so many running gags it is hard to keep up with them all. You still manage to be consistent in all the craziness throughout this. I guess what really won me over was the infinite loop song about the banana. The animation looks updated, but it still maintains its older form of cheesiness that makes it enjoyable.

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