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Those pills

This is the best flash that you have ever submitted and a masterpiece in its own right. I think this is beter than some of your sillier flashes, even though this was still pretty silly by normal standards. In case anybody is wondering, the newspaper says, "Last night, the leading doctors...something". There are just so many crazy images going in the animation. The pills themselves look great superimposed as a monster or coming out of a bigger pill or whatever. It also is flawless as a music video.

Skaijo responds:

Thanks for spending the time to say this on my older, much lesser known about projects. I loved making this one especially and it's a nice thing to come back to and watch myself to psyche myself up for the day. I appreciate the love!

Better than the original!

While I was a fan of the original series, I really think that this is funnier than any of the episodes they made. From the title, I was really thinking that this was going to be something low class, like a spam flash. It was in fact a great parody of parodies in themselves! As the site itself acknowledges, we probably do have too many c*ck jokes. Everything is just so fast paced in its own absurdity. Regarding the Naruto sketch, I really was wondering if Naruto himself would ever be in danger like that.


Congradulations on getting a flash that made it into the section of "Flash Portal History". It is the best thing you have made probably because it is the most surreal and relentless. It is like you took every dream or nightmare you had in the past week and put them all in the same place. It even says "Play" backwards in a cool way in the beginning. It almost sounds like there are Daleks talking. This is probably the one that does the best at creating its own world and environment to wreck havoc on.

The best of Link

I think what makes this series so strong is that it may have the best Link (and cast) I have ever seen. He has a great voice that truly suits his personality and the situations that he is in. I think the thing that works the most is the lack of sprite animation. It does not take a genius to realize it is easy to make fun of Tingle. I think he's actually funny in this as opposed to most people saying he's an annoying character. There are just so many laughs and awesome action scenes that never stop.

Love it all

Yes, it was indeed very demented, but that is exactly what we reviewers look for when looking for Madness tributes. It helps that that is probably the best music ever used in the entire series you got there. The deaths themselves are very creative. I think my favorite is where one guy has a blowtorch and the protagonist shoots through the door and sets him on fire. Another good one is when the one guy is bleeding and the protagonist decides to just let him live (or suffer). I swear one of the signs said, "Alpha-Nova".

It appears to be so unrelated

When it starts off, it seems like it is not about anything related at all, as it is quite random. I should have known that this would introduce me to an entirely new song and band. There was just so much great stuff it was hard to keep up with it all. I loved the rocket that was firing down, when the guy's arms were wiggling, etc. Users like YoinK and doomshock have contributed to this site so much it is great they are all working on something so good. It was also funny to see Pac-Man shift through arts, too.

doomshock responds:

THANKSSSSSS< I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Only one remains

Well, this is a very long running series that eventually ended, so it is great to see where it all starts. I guess I do enjoy watching this more than the, um, update. I guess it just has an effect because it introduces you into such an awesome world. This series still seemed to have lasted too short for its own good. You put surrealism in it by making it start with 2D stuff and then switching to action in a CGI-like animation. It shows that you can work with different styles that blend together well.

Glad it won Daily Feature

This is a great animation because the animation is so perfect. It seemed at first like you were trying to copy anime, but you really did make a style that was unique to your own! How many flashes begin with the main character being shot and then simply taking it from there on? I think it really analyzes what it would be like for a person to die. Would they just be in darkness and look at their own bodies at first? I also love how the demon monster just gets shot and is not affected and does not care.

Surprisingly great!

I was not interested by this much as it was just a guy communicating with a robot in a rather mundane way (especially for a robot). It definitley got better as it went on and it helps that the animation is so good. The tone is really creepy and sets the atmosphere well. This reminds me of a Creepypasta, but turned into a flash cartoon. It ends so well, you simply have no idea what is going on and probably never will. A really mysterious factor is a great way to make something scary and few flashes here do scare me.

Jimtopia responds:

It's cool to know I made a flash that actually freaks people out. Thanks for the review.

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