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I could have sworn that was from "Rashomon" or "Seven Samurai", two movies of which I have seen. Nonetheless, it was great to see references to such a classic movie. It was also amazingly loud, even when I had the volume turned down! It is still a great thing to watch simply because it is so insane in every sense of the word. I think the funniest part of this was probably how they referenced the gay momma joke at the end. The animation is reminiscient of "Arfenhouse" but great in its own right.

A new meme?!

It seems like this has to be something based on a meme, but apparently it is just a song. I love this song because of how ridiculously surreal it is! I do not even remember any movie where Nicolas Cage is talking about cake, but who cares? It was hilarious to see Cage with the body of a roast chicken and some girl in a skimpy bikini talking about cake. The animation was flawless as always and so is the lip sync! I can understand why you are one of the most popular guys on Newgrounds!

The best of 2006 Clock Day

Easily one of the best Clock Day flashes I have ever seen because there was simply so much work put into it. You can just watch these things and notice the little stuff in the background. No matter the content, you can simply never go wrong with having that "Requiem For A Dream" music in it. The ending was also great, as both parts of the flash itself were brilliant. It was also funny and random to have CorpseGrinderClock at the end as well. There is so much crazy stuff going on and so many Clocks in it, it is a perfect addition to the Clock collection!

Loved it all

I loved the opening where it seemed to be a game but was probably more fun as a cartoon anyway. The music is also really unique and sets the tone well just during the credits. It is so great to see you using these sprites as they are so underused in general. The graphics and effects are flawless, especially with the way you show off fire and explosions. The dialogue by itself is also pretty funny. I really should have expected CATS to show up, but at least he got blown up and said, "Why me?".

I can't feel my roots!

This was quite a different cartoon from the flash geniuses that are Eddsworld. I really liked how everything went in this cartoon and how you could not predict what happened next. If that guy had seriously never been to the dentist before, I can understand that happening. I like the animation and how the little guns are drawn. It was also great to have HappyHarry as a guest and with Edd in only a brief cameo. The dentist was probably the best character in the whole thing, as he knew how to be prepared.

Lots of humor and action

I always thought that your work was a combination of Wogoat and Vinnie Veritas. As they have also made great cartoons, combining the two would only be awesome. It think it is funny how the title and everything is in a different language, but all the dialogue and sounds are in English. It is amazing how nothing but a blue cube can cause so much destruction. All the characters are fully animated in the best way possible (in every sense of the word). There were just so many things going on in every frame!

Loved it all

I knew nothing nor had I even heard about the Worm series before, but this is definitley the best tribute to them. It reminded me of the "30 Second Bunnies" series in that it had things reinacted by a certain animal. The extra fun is watching all the fictional characters that make cameos (look out for Spider-Man in the beginning). I also love the worms' cute little voices, even when they swear. The little sheep that blow up and fly around are really cute too. It was really funny when they changed how they were drawn.

It is a deep message

I was not even looking for something more poignant, but it did have an interesting message about the world of technology. Less sophisticated people can admire it simply for the great colors. I loved how some people had stuff focusing more on lines or on cleaner or grittier animation. What matters is that you are all expressing a standard story that can be told in so many different ways. The music is also great and works well to fit not just the overall story, but the specific scenes. I think my favorite might be MC-Booga.

Black or white?

I never got into chess at all (it would just be too freaking hard for me), but I loved this because of the great animation. Everyone had their own style and their own color scheme. I suppose it was intended to have a deeper meaning to it like with moral tales or something. I love how everything in the flash just moves around and the colors contrast each other so well. The little black marks make it look really bad, even with color. It is also a good visualization on religous and political struggles in the Middle Ages.

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Age 35, Male

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Joined on 9/21/08

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