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I'm so hopeless

I can't give this a rating any lower than a 5, simply because SlurpeeClock looks awesome jutting in and out like that! Sure, it doesn't amount to anything but it's cool! It was also nice to have that "Stop" button so you could at least review without that sound going on.

In other news, I hope you have a very happy Clock Day 2009!

I'll vote in between

It's a heck of a good thing I don't have elipsey, or else this would come off as endangering my health!

As for this itself, I guess it's fine as a joke flash but needs to have more work done on it, as I don't think it took much effort to make. Oh, and by the way, how ironic I would happen to review this flash submitted on 8/15/07 today. What I'm trying to say is, have a great Clock Day tomorrow!


I thought this was fantastically done! It's obvious you put a lot of time and effort into this! The movie itself was pretty long but it really managed to keep you entertained for such a long time. The sprite work, while simplistic, really worked out well, and I really liked that cute intro with the drawn animation.

The thing that made this a 10 was the end with the fight scene where she threw the words around, the pause buttons, and even the kitchen sink! I think it's safe to say you now have more than 6 fans!

Mutteo responds:

Thank for your review! I am currently doing another project which hopefully should be done in the late fall, I hope.

Keep on the look out, until then, =]


I enjoyed this very much! The animation was goofy and at the same time very stylish. I just love how these characters move with such ridiculous exaggerated body movements. I also really liked the song. I'm a huge fan of zombies, and you really don't see (hear?) a lot of rap songs (or any others) about zombies, so this was a nice touch.

Warning: Bucket Of Lava

I remember first seeing some of these shorts on the Explosm website and while they're not my favorite, they're still great! I love how the doctor went from laughing to angry to laughing to sad to apathetic, not to mention you topped it all off with the crazy guy appearing at the end!

"Why are you laughing? You're gonna die!"


I didn't think this was average because it was offensive, just that it wasn't really well done. I will say I liked the design of the Exodus sprite at least. I remember first hearing about this in the news but knowing nothing about the details of her actual death. I found out from this silly flash that actually was her death! I can at least thank you for informing me of that.

Who's there?

I was surprised this had a fairly high rating as I couldn't really understand it, but let me just say that the joke at the end made everything great! It's impressive how a lot of buildup expecting to become nothing actually does build up to be something!

Boy, that dude is high.

Pretty well done

I haven't seen the other Cyborgkid entries (there are others, right?) but I was pretty impressed by this. I didn't think the animation or story was top-notch per se, but it still worked out pretty well, as I especially liked the protoganist's design.

Oh, I just realized you put the description of this story in your description. Geez, and I thought I was a good observer.

vezanmatics responds:

Aw, gee, you shouldn't've.

This is actually crap compared to my newer ones, if you haven't seen them, you really should.

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

Age 35, Male

2719 E. 8th Street

Joined on 9/21/08

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