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Yeah, that was great! I admit it's weird not having the old guy here. We still have lots of jokes with great wordplay, which is what the series is known for. I'm glad you won Daily Feature. The artwork is so good. I just like the lack of color.

The best part might have been the counting on fingers jokes. You just never know what's going to happen there. Blanche seems like quite fun. It's nice to have all these jokes that keep going on. I did find myself rooting for her.

I really did find myself rooting for those Thwomps. I mean, Mario has all those extra lives. It doesn't make that much difference if they kill him anyway. I just loved hearing that "Super Mario World" music. It's my favorite video game! The voices were quite funny.

I wasn't sure if they'd talk at first. The sprite work is so good. I like all the fine details. At least they got to try. Dang, I'd be bored after five years.

Yeah, I loved this! 2006 started off as a good year. It was just so cool to see this single image go on forever. It showed good diversity. I'm so glad you told all about the robots at the end of the cartoon. Well, you had a section devoted to it.

It's been too long since I heard your voice. I just loved how it kept going on and on. You had such great designs. Don't worry, I doubt this will happen. It looks like apes will get to the humans first!

Okay, this was seriously one of the funniest things I've seen in a long time. I think it's probably because I watched this song all the time as a kid. It's a lot more obscure nowadays. It's also because it's amazing how much you guys can do with one audio clip. The material's endless! Yes, I've been saying this out loud.

I don't recognize most of you guys. I'm always happy to learn about new people here! You all seem so talented. I can't pick a favorite part. I seriously hope this becomes a meme. It has so much potential.

Urbs responds:

Thanks man! I'm glad you really liked it.

Given the low score, I wasn't expecting anything that good. I guess the sprite work was good. There just needed to be more jokes. I mean, it was just the foot falling on him. At least that was kind of funny. I'm not that familiar with the game.

Well, it was well animated. I mean, well done with the sprites. That counts as animated, right? I believe you're a very prolific reviewer. I haven't done anything good either.

I love your animation technique so much! I didn't know your real name was Ben. Anyway, it's great to have a Christmas flash submitted on Christmas. Now that's topical! I love the jokes about making the actual flash. Santa's fat, so doesn't he already have breasts?

I love the blasting off again joke. I'm just such a big Team Rocket fan. I'm getting more associated with these characters. I especially like Ruth. It's just a very fun cartoon.

Uh, Merry Christmas? I am glad you mentioned Easter. Christmas is quite off, but Easter is coming soon! At least we have stuff for all holidays. I'm so impressed by the animation. It looks like John K. worked on this.

I guess he's just your influence. The voices are as funny as ever. Yep, that's the most popular Christmas song on the Internet. Was that supposed to be the Easter Bunny who was under the wrapping? Well, it was exactly Christmas so maybe it was Santa Claus.

That was really fun! I just loved how it did so much in so little time. I guess I was hoping it was longer. You guys still had a lot going on. I haven't heard of most of you. Well, most of you didn't appear under Credits and Info.

Yeah, I used to go to the forums all the time. Not anymore, I just have more things to do. The music here is nice as well. Dang, you're making me miss snow! I live in Florida, BTW.

MindChamber responds:

good call on the credits.. This was created way before the co author system, thanks for the review!

I really did like this. It's probably because it's done in such good spirits. The animation is so good. You got the characters down very well. Even Rudolph looks quite cute. That's a great Frosty gag though. It really was a very colorful cartoon.

The voices are quite funny. Hey, it says Holiday Special in the title. Shouldn't it be that 24 hour thing? It's March as I'm reviewing this. I don't know how many days until July.

Well, I thought that was a lot of fun. The best part is probably how recursive it is. Everything just continually builds up on itself. I appreciate how gorgeous the animation is. There's a few times where it seems stilted, but it's still great. This is great music too.

Not knowing the English version never hurt us before. Look at Numa Numa Dance! I'm glad people like you are still here. I felt the length was great too. You are quite creative.

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

Age 35, Male

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