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I can see why the score isn't high. I like the song and the premise. I guess everyone's used to watching sprite work that's based on a video game. It was at least interesting to see original characters. It was pretty pleasant. Valentine's Day really does give us some sincere stuff.

You certainly work with a wide range. I guess this should have had more action. You have made much better things. The layout was pretty good. It's just nothing special.

I was very impressed by this! It's probably because you seriously have some of the best animation of any Clock Crew member. You even had a great song play over the credits. Uh, Happy very belated Valentine's Day. I believe that's ClearClock? I know I've seen her before.

It's cool to see things slowly escalate. You even have a nice little poem to accompany this. This actually did get pretty sweet at times. I knew what would happen to StrawberryClock. I didn't know it would be a music video.

For something short, that was quite worthwhile. It's not Valentine's Day, but it is near Easter. They're both about candy or something! Anyway, the animation is great. The funniest bit was probably the pancreas joke. I thought it would be an actual heart.

I loved Ruth talking about get more lines. Yes, I'm familiar with her. Also, the virgin joke was great. The animation moves very well. Well, Valentine's Day is popular enough to acknowledge the whole year.

It's weird how you won Review Crew Pick and nothing else. I still quite enjoyed it. I do think your other stuff is better. I guess stop motion of any kind does in fact count as a cartoon. The music was really nice as well. I guess I liked it because of how simple it was.

You still had a lot going on. That's always a plus. You show off your environment so well. I like how you can control the length. That would get a lot popular here later.

I was quite impressed by this. It's probably because the animation is better than most in the Worms series. It's better than most of your other animations too. The song at the end is great too. It's cool to actually hear the worms talk too! Well, not much but it's something.

I wish it was longer. This had some good story to it. Kind of short for something with scene selection. Well, I've seen shorter stuff with it. It's great stuff.

Yep, pretty easy to guess this would win Daily Feature. For an April Fool's Day gag, it was really great! I thought it would just be some cheap thing with no effort. It actually did have effort put into it! I feel bad for not giving this the full score. I still love it, okay!

I knew you'd go to GoAnimate eventually. The stick parts were done quite well. It was a little too short. It was just meant to be a joke, though. Happy April Fool's Day!

This was decent. It probably could have used more jokes. I like the idea of spinoff cartoons with the Tomorrows Nobody characters. Chase was a pretty good addition. The voices are nice. It's great to see a character as iconic as Pac-Man here.

He doesn't have much personality, I guess. The animation style seemed different. I knew he ate everything. I guess not much happened to this series. It's fine for what it was.

It was good, but it could have been much better. First of all, why wasn't Naruto in this? He's Hinata's love interest! They do get married eventually. Yeah, spoilers anyone? You should all know this.

The animation could have been better. I still love Hinata. I wish she did have some fanservice here. I'm not with familiar with this song. I guess "Naruto" was really popular at this time.

Yeah, the weakness here was probably how short it was. I guess it was just a trailer. It will probably never be made. That's okay. At least there's something that came out of it! I like the sprite work a lot.

It's weird how there's a lot of "Naruto" sprites and it's a franchise that goes past old bit games. Of course, it wasn't a game to begin with. I always love tributes to such beloved series. The music was quite nice. It wasn't great, but it was good.

Wow, a turd of the week that got featured on the main page? Quite impressive! What's not impressive is this cartoon. It's annoying how you call everything gay. I guess it would be crude to all that homophobic. Words have a lot of weird meanings nowadays.

This had little to do with Naruto. I wish the Ultimate Showdown had enough mashups here. "The Ultimate Orgy" was so much better. This just had poor animation. At least it was kind of unique.

PowerRangerYELLOW responds:

How did you find this movie?

I was not expecting to see any reviews after more than decade posting this.

Although you didn't like this movie.

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