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Loved talking about the cute girl. I admit this wasn't as personal as some of the other cartoons. It's mostly because I didn't have to deal with this. Well, working in a coffee shop. I don't like coffee actually. I worked at McDonald's and a hotel or two.

I miss the days when I could just get the first job I tried. I miss the days where I had a job, period! Nice to hear about your life. It's almost like brewstew. You know, only nicely drawn.

Raziberry responds:

I don't know who that is but thank you!

"Jojo's Bizarre Adventure"? I feel bad for not being a fan of that. I thought this was all done with original characters! Anyway, the effort put into this was just incredible. The animation was amazingly gorgeous.

You put a lot of development into these characters. There was a time where it went black, and I was afraid it was over! So glad I was wrong! I just loved learning what I could about these characters. Dang, you do have to admire people so devoted to religion. I would never bury myself alive like that!

This was funny, if only because of how he got lonely. I really thought he was going to show back on the TV by itself. He could do everything else! It was really fun. I especially appreciated seeing the cat video. Cats are always awesome.

Well, unless they're getting hurt. This guy looked like a conehead. Oh, that's in the tag. Obviously, that's the intention. I just found it was quite fun.

Okay, that was one of the best of these cartoons. It's mostly because of how great the animation is. It's always impressive when you show great animation with these cartoons. The designs are simplistic. When did this become "Among Us.com"?! I guess when the jam started.

This could be the biggest series we ever have! Anyway, the poop jokes were pretty funny too. The joke with the malfunctioning was quite funny too. These guys should just look at the titles they're in. It's purple!

I liked this, but I didn't quite understand it. I assume it's a reference to some video game I've unaware of. Well, it was made for a Newgrounds Jam. That's all I should need to know. The animation was great of course. Didn't think Halloween 2020 would be this big.

The voices were nice too. I was expecting something more graphic. I should try to pay more attention to the rating. Poor guy. Scissor Man reminds me of Cut Man.

This was a very fun cartoon! I guess I would have liked it if it had some talking. It still gives the characters a good amount of personality. The animation is just fantastic. I seem to be seeing this a lot lately. You know, a tribute to old classic cartoons.

I've heard that pizza pun before. It's so easy to hear. I like all the minor details too. Helps I'm such a huge "Peanuts" fan. It reminds me of "Hazbin Hotel".

Wasn't expecting to see this character again. Well, I know popular characters are always around. I loved the animation as always. He looks like a topless woman in that poster in the background. My favorite joke was when he said he had to say the whole name every time. That would get annoying.

Acronyms are usually fun. It's clever to come up with one so long. Maybe just Asfarm? Still sounds too similar. Glad to know you're always around.

I appreciate how long this was. That means it must have taken a lot of effort! Anyway, this was one of the best entries, of course. Maybe that was because orange is my favorite color? I think it's an underused color. Then again, these stars are a little orange.

This is like one of our biggest collections ever! Just when you think it's stopped, it just keeps going! Congratulations on this very high score! I'm not that into these, but they're still nice. You don't waste your running time.

The setup was pretty weird. I wasn't expecting an anthology series to be like that. It's still rather nice. Seems like something from the SCP-Foundation. You know, the setup. The best segment was probably the second in-Universe.

I just didn't think it was that good. It needed to be more creative. Still worth watching. Good for Halloween. Everything's scary this year.

DannyGoodShirt responds:

Next year we’ll make it just for u I promise to make u proud sir! Thanks for watching!

I liked this, but didn't love it. I think it could have been longer. Still, we're used to short stuff here anyway. It's certainly creative. You don't see hydras around here much often.

Wait, this was a 48 dare on something that's not a jam? That's weird here. That does seem to make it better. Fangs are really cool. They can even be cute too.

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