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It was really cool to bring Herobrine into this. Yeah, I knew that was how his name was pronounced. It's great to know you're back with Daily Features. I honestly think you've set some sort of record for most consecutive wins for any narrative. Every single episode has gotten an award and some kind and you're at 21! I think you should contact "Guinness World Records" about that!

This was as great as ever. I don't even see this much as a parody. I mean, it really does have an ongoing story and character development. Then again, who says parodies can't have that? Another great episode!

Yes, another awesome cartoon! What I really love about this is how realistic it is. I was fortunate enough to never have this happen to me. I assume a lot of schools at least had bomb threat enactings. My workplace did, well it was a shooter scenario. Enough of my personal life, let's talk about yours.

I think my favorite part is the bit about the holographic Charizard. It's been awhile since I've heard of those. I just love your voice and how everything fits together. I doubt you used the f-word in front of your parents. If they had shown "The Land Before Time", that would have been better. Just wonderful cartoon.

Ah yes, this is much better than the previous episode. I think it's because this one just has more going on. It is more unpredictable. I really like this innocent girl who makes cats and flowers out of everything. I bet she's a hardcore shipper. The animation is as good as ever.

I just like the idea of his head still being intact. At least his butt's clean. Yeah, I guess you wouldn't be able to know that otherwise. While short, still quite good. I do prefer regular length episodes, though.

Oh, this is just so funny. It's one of the best examples of how good a really short cartoon can be. I think the main reason I like this so much is because of how good the animation is. I mean, it really is top notch! It's like you can really see all the bits of fur on these hamsters' bodies.

At least I think they're hamsters. It's hard to tell if they're gerbils or guinea pigs, or, well, hamsters. It's great to see someone go crazy like that from being away from the Internet. It works so wonderfully to get its funny joke across. I can see why it won Daily Feature.

WaldFlieger responds:

Thank you so much!! :D

I found this to just be okay. I admit that I don't like some of the poo imagery. I just don't see what any of this has to do with fathers. I guess it would make as much sense as anything else. What's happening to me? How is a poop tail so unpleasant to me?

Got to start watching more porn. I think the animation is pretty good. The funniest part is the bucket of poo. It just goes to show how many things you can do with your poo. Hey, I'm starting to rhyme.

Well, I really had no idea what was going to happen. Egoraptor does have more fans than anyone else on the website. A pity he pretty much retired from here. I just love how good the animation is. I should expect TheShadling to appear more on submissions. He's made more pieces than anyone else!

Even the ending credits were cool. I wish I could have been there. I make thousands of reviews, so it seems inevitable. I just love how you have no idea what's going to happen next in this. It's bizarre fun.

What a funny coincidence. I was just watching "X2" last night. I'm glad to say I have now seen all the X-Men movies! Okay, I'm digressing, this was quite funny. It was really cool when you think about it. Normally, it wouldn't be a big deal because Wolverine can heal. The twist at the end was quite good.

Yeah, it is a bit too short to really enjoy that much. I still think the animation's good. I like the effect when the Quinjet just plops out of midair. You could have used credits, though. It probably would have been pointless anyway.

There's going to be a part three to this? I thought this was mostly as good as the other ones in the series. I'm starting to sympathize with these characters more. It seems like this part was focused less on comedy. I even like the pet hospital backstory. It was cool to show clips from the last episode.

I didn't really need them, but it was nice. It really is getting into a more interesting story as it goes along. I like how Chocolateman has a clock voice. Just goes to prove you couldn't have voiced everyone here. Keep it up, turtle!

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