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A work of art

This animation is simply fantastic and not just because it has some of the best choreographed fighting scenes. What matters is that you truly put emotional attachment to this, especially the revelation at the end. Many movies nowadays are criticized for being all about action and not about being character-driven. This manages to have one of the best examples of both. I love how you can just go and even play with the preloading screen. If this is the last one, I am sad but at the same time so thankful to view such a masterpiece.

Quite funny

Even if a cartoon has only one punchline, it really helps that the punchline is just so funny. It is also completely original, as I have never heard that one before. The biggest weakness about this was that the animation was just very cheesy. I do not know what kind of Flash program you were using, but I suggest you go with an updated one. At least the colors and everything synced up pretty well. With the word "suck" there are simply so many different ways you can interpret that to mean something sexual.

53xy83457 responds:

Well, if it isn't Ericho. My flash programs fine, I just made a shit load of rookie mistakes while animating the damn thing (frame rate and what not). Again, early work, so I don't really care enough to fix it. Thanks for the 8 anyway- a pleasant surprise none the less.

Great as expected

I thought it was strange the guys had halos in the beginning and then of course I remembered the title. This is so good I was kind of hoping it would turn into a full series. I love the animation in this and some of it reminds me of Jhonen Vasquez. I like how it kept flashing back to things "2 X" before. I was almost waiting for it to say "2 Minutes Earlier" and then the cartoon could simply start all over. You do not have to be ashamed by the quality or file size as it is too good of a cartoon to really care about these things.

curtiSmith responds:

Actually I had originally wanted this to be a series, maybe I'll return to it in the future in more detail. Thanks for your vote :D

Not bad looking

While I am not the biggest fan of trailers like this, I think this still did a pretty good job. It does not help that the music just seems too loud and can come across as being annoying. It is still fun to anticipate for a new game. The best parts of this were probably showing off your ability to shoot at things and the things gradually becoming weaker as you shot them. It is kind of funny to notice how clumsy some of these big things can be. I will probably have a lot more fun playing it than I would watching this.


It helps that I love cats and I of course love you and all that you have submitted to this website. It was weird how the cat was green and started out as a fart (?). It also seemed to be more like a bear than a cat when it became a giant. I see that you were experimenting with something new, with the obvious sketchy background (well, I think it is the worst time you tried it). I guess it might have some deeper meaning, but I can just appreciate it for beign wonderful. It even seems like a more mature thing than your actual stuff.

TheBoogley responds:

deeper meaning? more mature? ha! XD
I love you Ericho! :D

Needs a page

These episodes have such high ratings I am confused as to why they are not that popular at all! At least you managed to get very high ratings. I love it, simply because every single moment there is some gag going on at one point that makes you laugh out loud. It is so random it seems like something from "Excel Saga" or a really bizarre webcomic. The animation, while looking kind of cheesy, is actually appropriate for the material. Highlights include going to the Internet Mario style, "how do I shot web?", it never ends.

Never old!

Here is one series so awesome it simply can never get bad no matter what happens. It was a good idea to use another character as an ally. With more fighting characters, it gives you more of a feeling that the henchmen are a bit more competant than most in this series. I especially like the final battle, particulary with how the mad scientist unleashes his ultimate weapon as he dies. The way the colors stand out really gives it greatness in its own right and not just a knockoff of Madness Combat. It is also funny how the one bunny just gives up and shoots himself.


This has got to be some of the best animation I have ever seen in a flash! I am so glad to be introduced to this fantastic style where everything moves around in the best ways possible! I am glad I was not the only one who noticed that the cat sounds exactly like Meowth from "Pokemon". In fact, he even acts a lot like Meowth. That being said, I love the voicework and the emotion everyone put in. You can just watch it from start to end over and over as the animation just makes you drool.

It is flashy

I was interested in finding out about a 4th of July flash being submitted today. It seems like, above all the other holidies, the 4th of July has the least number of movies/stuff about it. I have to give you credit on creating a very authentic looking Hank. A firecracker is one of the few weapons that the series has never used. I think what really brings this down is that you mention you were too lazy to do an animation. You should be glad that you are at least celebrating the fourth of July here.

dragonslya responds:

huh... thanks for the tips and compliments

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