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Happy belated Halloween!

This was pretty fun to watch mostly because it does not even look like it was made in Flash. It seriously starts to look more like something you would see at a more professional website. Still, it is weakened by how short it is. I just see so much potential because the floating Buddha head or whatever it is is pretty creepy. It was nice of you to put in the secret movie and the other secret. It is also nice to see the head take the place of the Newgrounds logo in the intro and show the background with it.

Pretty mediocre

I liked how you put some music in as opposed to a lot of other stuff that does not bother at all. I am glad you got so many hits/views on Deviantart, even if that might not be much by high standards. You at least have some talent in making flash as this had its good points. I liked how some of the features contrasted with each other, like the background and you in the cartoon. As this is not a popular submission, I can understand why nobody would come. Just add in better designs next time.

The depth is nice

I know that this was not intended to be anything that artsy, so I will not try to analyze that much. The ending music (how it loops) is kind of annoying, though. It is always interesting to experiment with shading and light effects. It could have used better effects in itself of course. It is fine for a quick watch as the music is nice and the little strings (or lines) do sync up well. I like how they changed colors and showed you were not just doing the same thing over and over. Working with simple patterns is always nice.

Not too bad

The weakest point of this is probably the animation and how it does look kind of cheesy. However, it was great of you to include all of those voices. The best part might be the overview of the school at first, especially how it has the best animation. It does not need to have a lot of action, just a pretty interesting real life story. I can tell that it is an early production of yours (first with lip sync) so it must be great to have so many people willing to help. The characters do not seem particularly bad or poorly developed.

Great tribute!

I think it is rather funny how you are not a big Star Wars fan, but this is just really good! I think the best points are how good the animation is, especially with how much depth the stick figures have. The intro is great as a tribute to the series in itself. I love how the lightsabers move and everything not to mention there is some seriously well done voice work! You can never go wrong with using the original music. The description at the beginning was pretty slow, but you can at least skip it.

Nice music

I think the weakest point in this what that there should have been some more action. Now, I do know that there are many great works of art that do not need action at all. I guess I just thought it was strange because it involved entire planets moving. The best part was probably how good the animation was, with how little was there. Some of the humor was pretty good, especially with the burning of the cross. It did have its unique points such as the celestial bodies talking and always saying "f*ck" in that exact spelling.

Not suitable here

The idea itself is great, but the main problem with this is that it needs to be done in a better format on this website. It is sad how this was removed from some other places. I still have to give you credit for creativity because in its best form, it is downright hilarious. "Spongebob Squarepants" and "Death Note" are obviously two entirely different things, so it is fun to focus on the two being alike. I enjoyed just seeing the characters die and stuff. It could have been a bit of a smaller image for higher resolution.

Very cute overall

I was not expecting much from this, but it was a lot better than I thought it would be! The animation is just so gorgeous as it looks like something made by a professional animator. The weakest point was probably how it had little story, but still fantastic. I love how you do not know who is going to show up next, as this is the only entry in this series that I have seen. There is just so much cuteness going on, especially with the little bubbly sounds. It is interesting to find out what will happen next on the wall.

Quite useful

I hope you got a good grade on your biology project, even if this came off as okay to me. I think pretty much everyone of this age can know that they went through a time where they studied this material. Batman's voice is something I did not like, meaning I did not like the original voice he had. It is still great that you use this website to help you with your schoolwork. The live-action scene at the end was also an interesting bonus. I think it would have worked better if you had more animation as Batman was explaining the cell parts.

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