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I really do like this cartoon. It's probably because I go to Wikipedia so often. It does make me sad whenever they delete articles. Okay, I guess most of them are ones I am never aware of. I was just sad Hinata got deleted. Anyway, the voices are pretty funny.

I had never heard of FredtheMonkey.com. Well, a lot of stuff from Newgrounds has been deleted there. It seems like you didn't pronounce Wikipedia right. Well, you did at the end. A platypus is close to being as entertaining as a monkey.

This was short, but the punchline was so good. I thought the joke would be that she only had one drink. It ended up being better than I thought. I really do like Ruth as a character. I'm glad we got into Saint Patrick's Day for this. It was fairly recent for me.

The animation is so good. I'm glad to be reintroduced to these characters. Well, this isn't really an ongoing story. It's still very nice. SonicRocksMySocks, you're a talented writer, too.

I love how you got these cartoons for every holiday. It was St. Patrick's Day recently. I really do like the animation. I wish this series would come back. My favorite was the shotgun joke. Okay, it was kind of predictable, but still great.

Yeah, I remember that leprechaun. Was it kind of like "It's A Wonderful Life"? Hey, he got drunk enough already. I never watched "The Facts Of Life". I almost never drink.

While not great, I still enjoyed it. I was just thinking about pedophile priests. They're everywhere! Anyway, the singing voice was quite good. It looks like he got shot in the buttocks. Sorry, "Forrest Gump" is one of my favorite movies.

I don't know how "bum" got that meaning. It has all the shit spraying you could want. It seemed like diarrhea. Wait, he had an enemy? What enemy? Did I read that wrong?

I found this cartoon to be kind of annoying. Well, I don't care for how racist everything is. Well, stereotypical I mean. Everyone just does these seem things in every episode. It gets repetitive. I guess Orlando isn't that bad as a character.

I guess I'm glad he's the main one. There just seems to be little progression. The animation isn't that good. Most of these characters are pretty annoying. It's not terrible, I suppose.

I really did love how zany this was. It was kind of annoying, but still good. I like how you use the same mouth animation over and over. Yeah, you were unfortunately off by 65 submissions. I liked the cheesy animation. It would be very hard to get that exact number.

You're probably the most well known animator here to get close to it. I certainly don't remember other people's attempts. A pity some of these landmark submissions have been removed. I find more and more of those nowadays. This was good for a laugh.

Congratulations on getting over a million views! It's always great to see the stuff you have. I admit that I'm not quite that familiar with the original "Little Red Riding Hood" story. Most fairy tales were darker than we remember. What matters is how poetic this is. I don't know if this was like the original story.

I was impressed at how dark it was. It still didn't get too graphic. This really was quite a complex story. I don't remember any corset part. The animation is as good as ever.

Wow, that was quite bad. I wished there was music. Well, at least more sound effects. Everything was just way too simple. I couldn't even tell that other guy was a zombie. They mostly looked the same.

Why'd that giant guy appear at the end? Well, it looks like you got your wish. I'm the first person to review this in literally years. I just review everything, you know? It is in the Zombies collection.

Wow, I wasn't expecting that! Then again, I don't remember much about this series. It certainly looks great. I really do appreciate the animation. I imagine all that blinking takes a long time to do. I wish there were more ninjas. It just sort of abandoned that after awhile.

It was still very funny. I like how angry these fish are at you. I know how hard it can be to feed fish. You know, give them the right amount of food. That's why I went to pet cats.

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