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Aww, I couldn't find a single Easter egg. Easter's coming up. I'm so bad at this already! Anyway, this had great sprite work. I'm so glad to be able to see this. I thought it would end with their simple attack, but instead it kept on like that.

The voices were pretty funny. I liked when everything turned red. It sets up great atmosphere. I appreciate all the hard work. You were so prolific at this time and you made great stuff.

This was awesome and I loved them all! I do wish you had your music videos back. I think my favorite would probably be Fanality. I understand the "Fan" name now. I love most stuff with the Rock. Wait, that didn't say Dwyane Johnson's name.

Why was it using his voice? These were all paced really well. I love how you listed them all. It can be hard remembering them all. The sprite work was as great as ever.

I just had to watch and review this. It's mostly because I'm into the anime so much. I loved how Pikachu had a picture of Ash and Serena in wedding clothes. They did more or less kiss at the end. Of course, the show is still going on, so Pikachu should still be working. Well, maybe the show's ended.

It was great to hear that theme song again. I believe that was Donald Trump talking at one point. He deserves to be mocked any way he can. Pikachu's voice was pretty funny. He really does sound angry.

It's weird now that Mega Man is in "Super Smash Bros" now. I don't know if Zero is. Honestly, that game got so massive I lost count a long time ago. I really do love this. It's mostly because of that awesome song you use. I was afraid that you would stop using it after awhile.

Luckily, you kept on! This reminds me of the old sprites used for me in Kirbopher's TTA series. Yes, that was me. Anyway, this was a great start for a first flash movie. It might not be that original, but it's fun.

It's great to see a new series from you! The animation is as good as ever. I could have sworn that was Rina-chan doing a voice. I guess I just assume she's in everything. Then again, I think she's mostly left this place. The idea is pretty new.

I loved the montage joke. A lot of it didn't make sense, but it was really funny. I'm glad a story is being set up. Is Ness a common name? I only ever heard it before in "Earthbound".

I just loved how deranged this was. It was quite funny with how unpredictable it was. I can tell you made this up as you went along. Anyway, this is one of Tom Fulp's favorite cartoons! That's a huge achievement too. It was also great to have it in black and white.

Even the credits were wonderfully done. It wasn't saying anything, but it didn't need to. I don't think Sonic broke his neck. I think his head was just shattered. Whatever, he's dead either way.

This was a lot of fun! It really was Cupid's last stand. I was thinking Cupid would be the one launching the attack. The animation was so good. There seemed to be different styles in this. The music was great too.

I've never seen Cupid like this. I guess this girl would be against love. Speaking of love, I love her helmet. The bird probably looks the most different. I'm glad you acknowledged you were late.

Wow, you were really active at this time. It certainly shows. I will admit that it wasn't great. I wish there was more of an environment. Still, it was a tribute to that game. I liked how it had continuity. The platform that fell down stayed down.

The music was nice too. It was quite unpredictable. Everything moved so fast. It was still pretty long. While not that well detailed, still nice.

This was probably the last "All Your Base" cartoon I saw here. It really has died out by now. Anyway, it was tons of fun to watch this. I thought it would be some different song or a theme. Instead, it was completely new material! I really liked that.

The song is as awesome as ever. Now over ten years later, imagine how much more you could do with it! Well, people have once again forgotten it. I loved the bright color around the frame. I found one Easter egg.

It's been too long since I've seen your stuff. I was extremely impressed by the animation. I was thinking there might be talking in this. I only wish that there wasn't so much with the credits. Well, you really did want to thank all those people. It's the thought that counts.

Some of the character designs are a bit stilted, but it's still great. I just love seeing these characters again. Well, not quite that, but you get the idea. I'd love to see more episodes. I just want this website to be popular.

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

Age 35, Male

2719 E. 8th Street

Joined on 9/21/08

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