View Profile Ericho

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That was weird with how good Inu's animation was. I mean, it's easily the best thing here. I just wish there was more action. It still got annoying with all the same animation being used over and over. I'm glad this wasn't too long. I'm kind of familiar with you.

You bought the most Newgrounds merchandise or something? I just know a lot about statistics here. It looks like these get better at least. You made it too repetitive. I'm sure you've done better.

Yeah, I agree. I really do love the flash file you use. I appreciate your voice too. There were so many celebrities that died since this was made. None of them are on this list. Okay, I seriously don't wish death on anybody.

It's just inconvenient the others kicked the bucket. I think Paris Hilton's the worst. I don't even think she's that good looking. Tom Cruise is at least a good actor. Seriously, he's been in great movies!

I found this to be better! It's mostly because the fights are longer. Well, there were fewer fights so you could do that. I really appreciate the music too. Well, it wasn't quite as good as the last one. I knew it would come down to Naruto and Sasuke.

Even knowing that, it was still quite fun. The opponents put up a much better fight. I thought they would both lose at the end. I guess there was something more after all. Naruto deserves it!

I was confused by the idea of spoilers. Oh, it was in the biography. I still like this. It was kind of annoying how the fights weren't evenly matched. Everyone beat the other rather easily. I like that music.

I'm glad Naruto was big at this time. May it be remembered forever. It's weird to see sprites in a series that is after low bit games. I doubt the Third Hokage would go down that easily. Well, it's still pretty funny.

That intro never gets old. Lawyers of any kind aren't that good. I appreciate the different details everyone had. I mean, these are some really different kind of designs. I liked the different colors. I appreciate the voices too.

Exploding heads are still cool. I wasn't expecting that blood joke at the beginning. Well, the Twinkie anyway. I could have just counted the 15 seconds. Wait, I did.

The first half of this was awesome! The second half really wasn't that good. I knew you'd show a kitten coming out of her. Pussy in every sense of the word! Well, not as in wimpy. It didn't show cats taking over the world.

That would have been cool. I love how the cats are set up. It actually reminds me of that Dogscape creepypasta. Wait, with cats that would be even worse! Do you know what they do with their genitals?

SickDeathFiend responds:

haha I remember dogscape.

"Final Fantasy A+" was a tough act to follow, but you did it! I only wish this was longer. I did look up Mickey Mousing! Thank you for making me learn about that. I was so impressed by the animation. You really did show a lot in a brief time.

I love how you show something so mundane like this. It helps that the music is incredible. You won all the awards, just like last time. You deserve your popularity here. Please come back.

That was quite entertaining. I will admit that it was too short. Still, it's great to build up anticipation for a movie. It's a pity it didn't do as well as we thought it would. Has any movie been anticipated on the Internet with memes that much? It'll probably never happen again.

The animation was great. I remember the artwork from "The Ultimate Showdown". You guys really were on a role here. I love Neil's voice. Short, but still good.

I think the series is getting better. I especially love this goofy guy. I really was expecting him to have a wooden leg. Or rather, had a wooden leg. I really liked the close ups on them. Their eyes show a lot of good expression.

I appreciate how the story is advancing. Well, not much, but it's something. I knew his head would explode. HCE was a character from "Finnegan's Wake". His name meant "Here Comes Everybody".

Oh, I thought those were Knox's clay men at the end. Well, I noticed their eyes had different colors. I was afraid the cartoon would end after the intro. I mean, it is just the first part in a series. I'm glad it went the extra mile. Clay stuff always has violence.

Well, except for "Over There". A pity that's not as good as this. Exploding heads are always funny. I liked the intro for the menu. It was probably too short.

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