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Here it is!

It's stuff like this that makes you realize how long this series has been going on. I was afraid it wasn't going to be a "Pokemon" parody at first, but it was. Gee, I haven't heard of the pokemon TCG in the longest time. I think, in terms of popularity, it got an even bigger shaft than the anime. Anyway, it's great to look back to see how much of the mythology has progressed over the series. You're really getting introduced more to the characters.

I had never even seen Johnson before he turned into a turtle! The quality of animation certainly got up the longer it went on. It's great you have managed to make not one, but TWO live-action movies out of this. Wow, you made this joke long before the Nostalgia Critic did. It even manages to make it relevant to the theme!

That was a bit good

This worked on some levels mostly because of how good the graphics are. It seems like you were really trying to incorporate a lot of the spritework of various games on this. In case anyone's wondering, the 1up Mushroom is when Mario falls on Kamek. It wasn't even that good of an Easter Egg. I suggest that you work at putting more detail on the backgrounds. The best part was when Mario fought Yoshi.

I was seriously not expecting something that epic in this cartoon. I liked how there was also some drawn stuff like the sound effect words. You should have made it so that you could go back to where the Easter egg left off. It just shows that Mario cartoons will simply never get off this website! Congrats on the very high rating.

Not the worst

This had some good features in that the use of graphics was actually really good. The best part is probably how there's such a wide variety of enemies. It seems like this would have worked out a lot better if it was an actual game. There isn't even that much that happens. It's just Mario getting attacked by these guys and he dies. You could have also tried to put in a wider variety of background and have him move into other areas.

At least the sounds and voice work were authentic. I am not sure if pressing "Star" was a typo or if it was part of the joke. The biggest thing to improve on is to have it be longer with more things going on. It also seems to be a bit too big, there's not much reason for there to be such a wide screen. At least it's faithful to my all-time favorite video game!

Could have been better

Congradulations on getting the cartoon used for Robot Day 2011 (the new one at least)! This probably had the best animation of anything I've watched today. The downside was that it really seems like it led to an anti-climax. It just seemed like it was getting so good with putting an emotional side to it. At least the main robot managed to achieve his goal. The lack of dialogue also put a really good artistic tone to this, even if it wasn't that well done.

The coolest part was probably when everything was getting blown up! I didn't understand it, but it was awesome! It makes me wish there had been more of a climax with a big battle. Still, this seems to have the highest score for anything on Robot Day and I think it will win Daily Feature! And who says robots can't feel emotion?

hrechkaness responds:

Thank You for the honest review! I would have liked to expand more on the story but I ran out of time if I wanted to get this in for Robot Day. With that said, I am so thankful that this is being so well received. I may expand on this in the future or maybe make pt.2 for next years Robot Day :D Cheers!

Robot Day has begun!

It's great to really get into the robot feel with the best robot submission I have reviewed so far. The thing that was the most disturbing was the girl's breasts. Seriously, they just looked off model in this. Anyway, what's great is that this is a great robot fight as anyone else would intend. It's the same kind of thing you would expect from any other popular artist on Newgrounds. It kind of reminded me of the animation by Egoraptor.

I have come to recognize and adore your style. You really place emphasis on the way the characters move around with their colors and lines. I can tell that the music used for this was derived from the Mega Man games. You can never go wrong with that style. Congradulations on front page and keeping your awesome work up!

Who's Geno?

Yep, I knew that you were the guy who made this. The sad thing is that I know next to nothing about Super Mario RPG as it's one of the few Mario games I've never played! The thing is, I am actually not a fan of RPG's, but Mario's my favorite video game series! It really goes to show how many different styles he can use. It was great to see such a wide variety of characters, especially with how you drew them. You have true artistic talent.

The only thing I know about the game is really from the stuff you've made. Everyone looks so three-dimensional in this. The best part is probably when you show off the map of it so you can get a clear picture of what you're dealing with. Psyguy has a very sweet voice in this too. Congradulations on completing college and have a wonderful life!

Kirbopher responds:

Psy never sang in this song.

Pretty good

It's great to see the "Pencilmation" series back, but I miss Hank. Well, he's probably tired of sticking with your crap anyways. It would have been funny to see him take control of the pencil and get his revenge on you! I've seen so many I can't tell if this has been done before. When the guy got his third eye, he kind of looked like Dr. Manhattan, with the symbol on his head. I thought you were going to draw a lion.

The thing is, this wasn't as creative as most other entries. It does work because it's got the same animation style as usual. I imagine it must be very meta drawing a pencil in Flash for these cartoons. It was fairly unpredictable and the music was nice. I guess it will take some time for me to get used to it without Hank.


It's amazing how you were able to adapt a single comic into a popular flash cartoon! Anyway, the coolest thing about this was how good the voice acting was. For something short, there were sure a lot of people working on it. It was interesting because you had no idea what was going to happen next. I will say that I was a tad disappointed by the punchline. The animation is good, especially with how the characters move around.

I imagine that Hell would need some new employees every now and then. Now, you also have the Weekly 5th Place to add to your list of achievements for this cartoon. It's good how chipper the main character sounds. I'd do the same if I went to Hell and got that honor. While the animation wasn't that complicated, it still flowed nicely.

Can't believe I missed this one!

It kind of makes me wonder what you would think of the game once you played it. I didn't realize how many of these cartoons there were hanging around. This should go in its own collection! Anyway, this was pretty good because it was interesting to see you submit something that was entirely a flash cartoon. I can't even remember the last time you did it, because it seems like everything you do submit is a game. It's always great to see you showing off your artistic talent.

The artwork itself wasn't that great, but it fits the cheesy tone. I never realized how many fruits and vegetables there were that are long and green. Hopefully, the Hulk will be able to keep his pants on in the game. It's so cool to see that loading screen where all the characters are standing, looking so awesome. The Hulk was the goofiest looking of them all by far.

Title fits

The weird thing was that this did have some really good parts in it, particularly at the end. A slideshow featuring the DBZ characters is awesome! I guess it was kind of self-depredation because you acknowledged how silly it was. I did think it was insensitive to show pictures of the 911 survivors. Then again, I guess it's going to be ten years since that happened, so maybe time has healed all wounds. It was also hard to understand.

I could tell you used Speakonia for everything. While I should be used to it, it just came off as very unclear in this. I also didn't like it how one of the images was presented in really low resolution. The stuff in the credits had higher resolution, so it seems more like you just didn't care. At least you had an original joke for a name pun.

Heil responds:

long review

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