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I guess there have been worse

The animation was not the worst I had ever seen, but you really need to work on a joke. The trouble with this is that it is just way too short. If you are making something like this, the animation has to be a lot better and not just mediocre. I suggest making it longer, although at least you put that preloader in the beginning, which is something I could not do. Do you need to have flash to use that preloader? Anyway, work on better delivery and more tension built up.


"Waiting For The Bus" is one of my favorite Newgrounds submissions of all time and I had no idea there would be a sequel. I thought this one might address why that bus kept running for twenty years and who put the bomb on. Probably gets a 9 simply because the credits were so awesome and probably longer than the actual flash. True, I was expecting a lot more, but this is irony that I am talking about. Oh yeah, the animation was good and it was the only time I stayed through the whole credits. It kept the style up well.

It just never ends

It amazes me that of all the things this series has gone through, it will never run out to do! This is one of the longest Madness tributes I have ever seen and one of the best! The huge number of things that go on in this makes way for more and more creativity. It was great to see the different designs and there was so much variety that I could not even remember the name of a single one. I think my favorites might be the ones with the faces on the characters, so I can see their impression. It is obvious a lot of people put a lot of work into this and I am glad!

Good style

It has been awhile since I have seen your animation style. I am almost starting to think that it is similar to Daniel Sun or even Sirkowski. Anyway, this was cool if only because of the impressive animation. I could barely understand a thing, but I think the use of audio was very impressive and I especially loved how the green blocks moved and looked so CGI. I did not even think it was that short, as I have seen ones that were a lot shorter. It was cool to use so many audio submissions.


It's great how you went and included a description of the metaphors in your author's comments. This was impressive from just the abstract art painting shown in the beginning. I have always been a fan of abstract art and this perfectly shows an abstract art painting in the form of a moving cartoon. It's great that you use this awesome song and get the syncing just right. The fact that the animation is simply flawless makes it even better. It is easily the best thing you have submitted here and I hope you make more like it.

Impressive indeed

I can easily see why you would consider this the best in the series, as it is pretty aweomes in itself. The voices are great as always (I am not going to hold it against you that you didn't want me to be one of your voices). Anyway, I guess the final installment of the movie is off, but this is awesome. It was just awesome to see you do your own animation style. Funny moments including the jumping shark, the dead aligator, there are simply too many moments to include one as funniest! I would not consider why you would be ashamed to like "Pokemon" as "Power Rangers" is probably worse.

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

Age 35, Male

2719 E. 8th Street

Joined on 9/21/08

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