View Profile Ericho

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More stuff from you!

It is interesting to catch all of the stuff you have made, even though I do not even recall times where it was on the front page! This had the funny animation that makes your stuff great. It was something I had not really thought of myself that much, so it's interesting to make a joke less thought of. It's too bad Kibito Kai (is that his name?) never becomes useful anyway. It just seemed like such a waste. While it was pretty short, it still gave off a pretty funny message about the series.

It was okay

This seems like it was made by someone who is early in submissions. Anyway, I would like to say that this had its good and bad qualities. When I first saw the title, I thought it was going to be about a playboy bunny driving on a motorcycle. The animation just looks rough, and it looks like something made in the early days of the website. It's still an interesting and original enough premise, it just does not have anything that sticks out as being good or bad really. I would suggest better animation and more of a story.

Pretty funny

It helps that the animation is very impressive and everything moves at such a nice level. I was not expecting that guy to throw up at the end. I'm thinking to myself: is he going to make a sequel called Puke? Everything can do that as well! Obviously, the idea of eating sh*t is not very appealing to me as it smells horrible and I have seen "2 girls 1 up" to know that it can be very terrible to watch. I almost thought that was supposed to be Blockhead at the beginning, but I guess that is a generic character design.

Awesome stuff!

Speaking of Awesome, I am more used to seeing stuff from you that involves video games or something like that. It was fantastic for you to try your hand at something new. Not that I am saying you actually taught your hand to do a new thing that it had not done before. The best is the final joke, speaking of hands. It has all the exaggerated body movements and silly design that makes your stuff great. It is simply flawless every step of the way and I'm glad you made it.

Great stuff

This is one of the best entries in the "Joe Zombie" series and it's not hard to see why this has so many views. While it was made in 2001, there are still a lot of improvements over the original version. I love the sound effects, especially the music. The police cars are an especially good example of how the animation holds up. It is a pretty different kind of zombie movie, as there are no zombies except for the main one. It is great to see how this series has progressed in story and animation.

Voice acting?

If you want to do a sample for voice acting, you should really go to the audio portal and submit it there. For a VA test, you should probably have a lot more talk than just a few words and a scream. I could not tell what you were even trying to tell in the beginning. It was okay that you put that song at the end. I prefer that people just send VA tests as attachments to e-mails to the person who is making the flash. Unless of course, you are the flash maker, then I guess I can understand.

David Humphrey?

I am glad this great series is getting more publicity especially when you consider it got the original Shadow the Hedgehog voice to do it! I simply enjoyed watching this, as it takes the standard notion of a simple idea and imposes it on supernatural creatures. The voice work is nice of course for everybody. While the animation is cheesy, some of the transitions are pretty good. I think we can all relate to stupid machines like this that just don't work at the grocery store. It's a funny idea executed well.


This is the best non game submission I have ever seen through the thousands of flashes that I have reviewed. I was so disappointed that there were so few people who were submitting animutations to the portal. While it may not be considered an animutation in the strictest sense, a parody of an animutation is just as spectacular. This is the kind of thing you can watch hundreds of times and still find things about it. For example, I found out you could make a funny sound by clicking on Katie Holmes' breasts. All the animation and characters drawn are nearly flawless.

I will just never get over how Tom Cruise moves in this thing. His eyes and legs and the like move so cartoonishly, yet you still manage to keep that still frame image so brilliantly. The music is flawless and catchy as always, and even the end credits are great. It's great to see so many memes appear in an animutation for the first time. It's, uh, a bit too bad this wasn't posted on the real guy's account, but whatever. This is the longest review I have ever made on Newgrounds and it is worth every word to type!

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

Age 35, Male

2719 E. 8th Street

Joined on 9/21/08

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