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Boy, do I feel bad for not knowing more about Overwatch. It seems like a brand new thing. I always have trouble adjusting to those. Still, this wasn't bad. The animation seems a little different for you. I'm sorry, I'm just so more used to watching the Cactaur and Tonberry flashes.

I liked the music, I guess. It seems like a lot of people have made parodies like this. It just didn't come off as too unique to me. Well, I'm introduced more to Overwatch at least. It doesn't seem to be for me.

That was weird. Well, you make weird stuff all the time, but the style was quite different than you. It was weird to have a music video without any words. Well, I guess there technically was some dialogue in it. It was just hard to figure out what was going on. You really used a different animation technique here.

Ninjas are always cool. I'm not used to them being green. It's surreal even by your standards. I did feel kind of bad for that dog. The use of lower case was weird too.

So I guess this was the original "Over 9000"? Yeah, we all know about that. I do like how things escalate here. You have animation so authentic to the show. Yeah, it's cheaper, but it's a great tribute. You really don't know what will happen next.

I like how you almost started a meme. Well, it was a mashup in itself. I hear that quote about Vegeta destroying the whole planet in another cartoon. It was "Vegeta Vs. Sonic". It's just a popular piece of audio, I guess.

I admit that this seems like just a preview. I thought it was a music video at first. It was just too short like that. Still, it's nice to see something from you again. Uh, I hope you had a good Christmas! I did like how it was set up.

Afros are usually funny. It's easy to recognize your animation style. It was just good in its brevity. It made little sense, but was good for a quick joke. I didn't know there was a Friday the 13th in January!

teaandcheese responds:

Thanks :D

Hope you had a good christmas!

I did not care for this. I guess I'm not that familiar with River City Ransom. I'm more into Double Dragon, so that ending was pretty cool. Then it was weird with how Mario appeared. How are they in the same genre? These songs have been used too many times before.

The sprite work was nothing interesting. There's just nothing that makes it stand out. I can appreciate how I rarely see cartoons with all these characters. I guess the length wasn't bad. It was just bland for me.

I thought this was just okay. It seems like most people agree with me. It was a lot of fun to see this goofy animation. It just didn't seem to really go anywhere. At least your work is easy to recognize. You really have a distinct style.

I liked seeing the poodles. It was fine for something really brief. You just needed to have more plot. There could have been better action. Merry Christmas!

It's sad to see this with such a low rating. I agree that it's not as good as the other ones. It's just strange to see sprite work like this from you. It does look cheap. Still, it's a pretty entertaining cartoon. It's fun to see all that blood flying everywhere.

What? I'm not worse than anyone else here. That was a long full tite. I've been seeing a lot of Black Mage flashes lately. Was there a new game coming out at this time? This still isn't bad.

I loved this! I admit to not being a fan of 8-bit Theater. I've seen the cartoons here, so I'm at least familiar with them. It's nice to see these cool sprite effects. I appreciate how clever Black Belt was in his victory cartoon. He was really dumb in the other one, so it was weird!

The voices were funny too. I thought it might be animated in the style that was shown at first. It wouldn't have been as entertaining that way. Pie is good. Oh, Merry Christmas!

I don't remember this cartoon from you at all. It's weird how little was described in the title. I knew I'd see Joanna in a bikini in this eventually. I'm sorry, she's literally the most beautiful cartoon character I've seen in my entire life! I liked the very last joke. The robot part was great.

That really did bring out some great action. I'm glad we got some time with all the characters. This really was unique for the series. Kirby seems smaller than usual. He's cuter this way!

Well, it's a pity I didn't watch this on Christmas. I thought it was just too bland. I mean, it was way too short. I guess there's nothing offensive about it. It's just quite pointless. It's a shame I'm yoru first reviewer.

Well, seeing as how prolific I am, it makes sense. The voice was okay, I guess. I'm here spending the season with my folks in Atlanta. At least you have some of the spirit with you. Just try harder next time.

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