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I was so glad this got much better! It was a little boring at first. Then, you threw in this nice villain and these killer robots and everything else. You really do have a unique animation style. I can appreciate all the effort that was put into making this. I can actually follow the story pretty well.

These are good voices, especially Mr. Tinker. Okay, it might not be the most original thing, but it's still nice. It comes off as realistic to me. Nowadays, you could probably submit the whole thing in one cartoon. Well, I don't know if there's a limit.

This was a lot of fun! I was impressed at how funny the SketchMichaels one was. It really built up every little gag, even though the animation wasn't that good. I think Element had the best because it was animated so well. Yeah, rest in peace, Livecorpse. He had kind of an appropriate name.

I never heard of Zucchini Man. It reminds me of poxpower's Pickle Man. Blue tomatoes are pretty funny. I like food themes. It kind of reminds me of "Sausage Party". I enjoyed this even more.

I admit that the idea of an evil cartoon character killing people is nothing new. Still, this was done quite well. It's mostly because of how good the animation and voices are. I swear it's the same voice as one of the unicorns from "Charlie The Unicorn". Well, it fits. They both take out organs.

Congrats on having over a million views! This just personally isn't one of my favorites. It's still worth watching. He isn't afraid to kill animals. Well, he already wants to kill people of course.

I admit to not really liking this that much at first, but it got much better. It's mostly because of how the action gets better. I do think this is too short. I still appreciate how it's pretty unique. I don't know who Mob is. I wasn't expecting Marge to appear!

It does it work pretty well for itself. This is ranked as one of the best cartoons of all time here! How can you think it's stupid?! Well, it's not personally one of mine. It could use color.

I admit that this started out very good. While I liked most of it, I personally thought it was too long. It seems like most people agree with me. It's nice to look at history. If only you had done this with Donald Trump. He really did become President.

The bleeps get old after awhile. Still, it's fairly good satire. I don't believe I actually watched his speech. That was too long ago. Well, I don't watch those anyway.

I loved how funny his voice was. I thought it sounded familiar. I then realize it actually did remind me of Homestar Runner! Dang, has that website been obsolete for a long time! Biscuits are great. I did like this character.

I especially love the opening where it looks more epic. That shows how funny it is. It was a bit too long. Well, it is a part in a series. Did he say a green cock fell?

I got a feeling that this was a bit too short. I still liked the final punchline. I had no idea "Mein Kempf" was in so many different covers. Oh well, it is pretty popular. The animation was fine. It just wasn't enough for a full cartoon for me.

Well, there was nothing wrong with it. The voices were as nice and goofy as ever. I've come to recognize them. I had to replay it to get the joke. It was a bit hard to hear at first.

This was pretty funny, but there were a few flaws. Why didn't you credit the creators of the original clip? It was kind of easy to tell you didn't make that yourself. Still, it's funny for a short cartoon. You have a nice and goofy animation style. I thought this was a game at first.

I mean, the title made it seem like one. The voices were quite funny. I recently watched "Rogue One: A Star Wars Story"! Yeah, I guess I'm just in the "Star Wars" mood. While not too memorable, not bad.

just2pale responds:

I don't really remember since it was 12yrs ago, but you're right I should have credited them. I'm not sure where this came from. I will research it fix it when I get a chance.

Yeah, that was satisfying. Wait, who did write it? Whatever, you certainly brought this to life. It's great to see this grotesque animation. I guess everything's pretty ugly here. I was afraid I wouldn't be able to find this with such a generic title.

Obviously I did! I was rooting for that girl to be killed. The fact that she stays there the whole time shows she deserves it. The little bits of color were great. It's a little like "Madness Combat".

I've seen most of the movies so you might call me a Trekkie. Whatever, this was great no matter what your fandom is. I really do love this song. It's just great to see this animation. It seems like most of your "Star Trek" stuff has been removed from here! I'm glad this one is still here.

It's just fun to see all the characters act so goofy. Of course I'm familiar with this song. I just love Patrick Stewart's voice in this. He deserves to be a meme. I'd love to see more stuff like this.

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