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Great graphics!

I thought that the graphics were really well done, especially with M. Bison but apart from that I really wouldn't recommend it. I do think that if you put more effort as I really couldn't even understand how it was a parody but with more action in your flashes I really think you could do something good.

KillerKandyKorn responds:

its not that much of a parody but its a parody of the car stage, and its a parody of street fighter.... so its a parody

Not bad at all

I wasn't the biggest fan of this flash but I'll admit that the animation was pretty good and the overall joke itself was done pretty well too. It's also nice that people are acknowledging all of the climate change going on. It sickens me how some people believe that to just be a hoax. Oh, and happy 888!


BaldozN is a pretty funny made up word even though the word didn't do much in the flash. I'll stay admit that you seem like a pretty smart person so I have to give you credit for that.

Nice title

I'm probably only giving this a high rating (or at least fairly high) because it had such an awesome title! You should have that word copyrighted! Anyway as to the actual flash itself it wasn't too shabby. Sure, the content was kind of gross but it was still creative, at least that's what I thought.

Very enjoyable!

While I don't think you're one of my favorite authors, it's still nice to see what your latest work is. I got exactly what I wanted in this cartoon with all the necessary elements of a good flash! Boobs, weird animals, and senseless violence! You simply can't go wrong with that combination.

"I trained him by showing him pictures of me in a dress"

Sexual-Lobster responds:

i've always thought it a good combo too

Great for first time!

I was expecting some sort of artsy thing and that's really what I got! I thought the animation style was very nice especially the goofy appearances of Jack and Jill and the surprise ending of course. This was very good for a first flash! In fact, the only reason I think it didn't get more recognition was because it was made on Pico Day and that's when everyone focuses on stuff Pico-related. At least it got a high rating!

Darren1337 responds:

Indeed, thank you for the kind words :)

NOt terrible, I suppose

It's ironic how you said that it'll probably get blammed when it managed to get a pretty high rating! That having been said, I really wasn't very impressed with this at all, but I can at least congradulate you on your birthday.

Very entertaining

This was a very nice flash. While you already get top credit for the great animation, I really have to give you as much credit as possible for giving such a nice message. The journey throughout the story was nice too, and I really liked Jesus' cameo! And it's nice to learn about Russian culture too.

Nightwayfarer responds:

Different cultures make the world a more interesting place, makes you wan't to travel :B

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