View Profile Ericho

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Now that I finally get to review this movie, I can say what my thoughts on it are! I'd like to say that it was simply fantastic to see this series come back after all this time (it's one of my favorites). I will say that I was a little disappointed there wasn't more action, but this was just the first part in a series, so obviously it had more of a story to build up. It's great as always to see the fantastic animation and said continuation, so that's enough to give you a 9. Can't wait for the final chapter!

Nice clip

Yeah, it was short with no dialogue, but it still worked pretty well. The character designs were quite impressive (they look like they were inspired by Pokemon to me), not to mention the nice music.

My good friend..who bathes me!

I should've expected it to end on an odd note, but even that was odd for you. That poor chocolate woman.

You know, Chocolate Man's mother being a camel and the other guy killing the woman actually does make sense, in a really twisted way. Also, I loved the song at the end.

LazyMuffin responds:

It was known that Chocolatemans mother is a camel since Nameless 5 volume 2, NONSENSE!


Oddly descriptive names

I loved this flash and it's extremely creative! Of course the funniest part was talking about getting beaten by a person without arms or legs. Man, Rina-chan is in everything these days! Anyway, I knew it was only a matter of time before I'd give something by you a 10! Your crazy artwork style and inane storylines always pull me through!


I've never heard of you before (much less seen your flash), so let me say this was a great introduction to get to know you! I had no idea what to expect, or really even what was going on, but it was awesome! The artwork was fantastic, some of the best I've seen on this site, especially the action and character designs! Thank you sir!

UltraSheriff responds:

no, thank YOU sir:)

Aww, shell shock!

It wasn't a great flash, but it was good. Always great to see the funny action scenes and humor in these flashes.

Great as usual

The announcer's stupid and hilarious voice made it as always, and I'm a huge fan of stuff like zombies. Best part was the racist joke (I mean the joke about racism, not an actual joke that was racist).

Great as usual!

Now this was something different! While not on par with your other Parody Rangers work, it was still a great flash! As usual, the goofy and random animation really made it, and of course the ridiculous pop-culture references!

I don't know, I think I am starting to like Renaldo more than Zet.

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

Age 35, Male

2719 E. 8th Street

Joined on 9/21/08

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