View Profile Ericho

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Nice job!

This was an entertaining flash. I have never heard of this comedian, but he seems to be pretty funny, and it's a great idea to make flash animations with that audio. The animation itself was good and of course the humor was, especially the end.

Nice animation

I wasn't expecting much, but I was quite surprised! It was good enough how it started with the good animation and music, but it was great to see it take a more surreal turn with all the crazy stuff going on and the like! Keep it up!

AKS9 responds:

:) thanks a lot for leaving the review, I tried to make it varied and have it have diffrent parts so I'm glad you noticed those. the surreal bit was supposed to be like an inner voyage or trip. keep it up i will!


Fantasic as usual. The funniest part was him complaining about being made fun of while still on fire and going through the air, not to mention even though I'm not familiar with whatever you're parodying, it's still hilarious.


It seems like it's been ages since I saw one of these "Hyperboy" episodes, especially a new one here on Newgrounds! I just wanted to say it's great to see how much better the quality has gotten since it first came here years ago. The basic animation is still the same, but now it's improved with much more fluid movement! I was a little dissappointed it ended abruptly, but still quite enjoyable.

Good entertainment

I liked your description not to mention the stylistic animation. Thanks for giving me the message to see it! I also admit a lot of the gags were done well.

DeweyGland responds:

Thanks, I knew you'd like it. Goofy gags is what I do.


You may have been late, but this was a great flash, especially how they talked about gaining more sides. Nice references as well, as a lot of people I bet don't even know what heptagons and decagons are!


Loved the animation as always, not to mention the satirization of organized religion and the nice punchline.

Pretty watchable

Not one of your best flashes, but it's always nice to see your work.

Great as always

I know it didn't take a lot of effort to make, but it's so irrestiably cute, I have to love it! I remember first seeing it on your Deviantart profile, and it's great to have it come here on Valentine's Day. I'm here on my vacation and it's my 20th birthday, so what a nice little treat to review this here on my vacation! Thank you!

Not bad

While not on par with your games, this was still okay. The animation was fine, and it's always nice to see pirates showing up everywhere.

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

Age 35, Male

2719 E. 8th Street

Joined on 9/21/08

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