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This did well asan April Fool's joke to another April Fool's joke! What a great concept! Loved the collab.


When I first saw the title "The Portal Collab" I thought it was going to be a tribute video to Newgrounds, because, of you know, this is what we call the portal. So, it wasn't what I hoped it'd be, but it still managed to be great! I'm not the biggest "Portal" fan, but the styles are great to see as always, and the rythum was pretty catchy.

Enjoyable enough

While not a classic, I liked it. The animation was interesting, and even though there wasn't much action, the drama was good enough to keep me interested the whole way through. I haven't seen the other entries in this series, so this is someone speaking who doesn't know about it, but that's fine.

smbhax responds:

Yeah, this being the first part of a two-part flashback, it's a lot of setup rather than actual action (next episode ;D), so presenting all that while still keeping it involving for the viewer was the major challenge here. I'm glad it kept you interested!

The previous two episodes have more in the way of direct action, so you might find those useful for comparison.

You raise a good point about being able to follow the episode even without seeing the ones before it. That was a plus of this episode being a flashback, because it's almost like starting its own story, only of course it ties in with the episodes that come before and after it. It's something I'll have to watch out for as I make episode 4, because that one starts immediately after the end of this one, so it will be more of a challenge to make the story as accessiblef or those who haven't seen the episode 3. Still, I try to keep the storytelling style pretty direct, so I think it'll work out.

Same to you!

Nice April Fool's Day joke, and I admit it was entertaining to see blood and stuff everywhere! Thanks for all your work on this collab!

How creative

Not a big King Of The Hill fan (didn't they air their last episode) but anyway, it was amusing to see those stupid character designs and voices talk and walk around doing stupid things with no relevance to anything. Hey, I'm a fan of stuff like that!

Pretty good

It wasn't the most innovative of flash, but it was pretty enjoyable all the same. I like the idea of a character being called "Deathy".

It was great!

I think this is now my favorite in this series of two shapes talking to each other. Apart from having two abstract shapes (hey, the drawing of them wasn't too bad) it's always funny to hear them talk about the utter ridiculousness they are in themselves.

It was a change

When I see anything by HappyHarry (although in this case it was just the music) it's usually something very humorous, but this was a big change. It wasn't a classic, but it knew how to appeal to our emotional sides, as it managed to give a powerful message about war and destruction. The art style was also impressive, and it was nice to see a happy ending for everyone.

Quite fun!

While it may not have been that creative, the stop motion effects were nice, and the simplistic carboard cut-outs made it.

Great as always!

I've always been a huge fan of the lock legion, and it's always nice to check out their latest flash collabs. This was very good, like any other collab, with of course the different styles of animation, and the non sequitor humor. Keep up the good work!

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