View Profile Ericho

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Very nice!

I wasn't expecting much from the title alone (HamsterJam) but I was glad to say I was surprised! The artwork was simply fantastic and it had some really good lines as well, especially about the scantily-clad women (lol). I look forward to seeing the whole thing!


I admit that the intro shown in the beginning (upside down) was pretty funny.

Not the worst I've ever seen

While it was too short and the animation was too simple, I guess it was "kinda" funny when he was talking about the fact that he was a brain himself when other people asked him to use his brain.

I didn't know vegetables were good for your brain.

Short, but good

It may have been short, but I would recommend it simply for the animation and style. Those were very nice-looking designs you had there that impressed me. You could make a series out of this.

Ten years?

Pretty late than never I suppose. The animation itself was funny, not to mention it would have been pretty lame if they did that sweater gag. Thank you for your originality at least!

Draconis777 responds:

Long story...regardless, I plan on doing a few more. :D

One fat head

This was good for a very cheap laugh. Dang is that head fat!
It's cool to use webcams on Newgrounds.

HenryEYES responds:

Heh, thanks bro. I know some webcam videos might not be all that good (you might not have been around for Viewtiful-Chris's submissions, the fact that any of them passed was an embarrassment to Newgrounds), but it's awesome to see that this one got some acceptance.

It was nice, I guess

I would've liked it more if you had covered some more basic things like putting things on a timeline and making them move but then again, I never watch (or read) these things all the way through, so I didn't expect to take it seriously anyway. Still, it's always nice of people to give these nice easy to understand tutorials.

Quite enjoyable

I thought this was pretty nice. I'm not really a fan of these flashes where you just click for dialogue and there really isn't much action but I'll recommend it if only for the animation. It was very admirable and quite original at least.

MarkHansAvon responds:

Hey, thanks for the review Ericho. =)

I figure that even though I'm not the best of all time I have to move forward and produce this without fear and at least finish it.

It was pretty cute

While not on par with some other Naruto flashes I've seen, it was still pretty nice. The animation was pretty different but I learned to appreciate its differentness in its cuteness. I guess I was hoping for spoofs of the more recent things going on in the Naruto manga, but whatever. This was good.

kiaraneko responds:

I'm sorry, but the manga/anime isn't verry far in Germany (last thing happened was Azuma's dead) I can't do any more recent, than I know about.

Very nice!

It's been a long time since I've seen a Castlevania flash and it was very cool (if really random) about how the koopa (and the giant koopa) just showed up out of nowhere. I would like to complain that in terms of speech bubbles, every character shown looked like a girl.

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