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This didn't seem like it was that much about robots taking jobs. I mean, these cats seemed happy with their robot allies. Well, suits I mean. The animation is very slick. It's great to have two Daily Features in a row about a theme day. I guess I just haven't seen this sort of thing in awhile.

The music was really nice. It had a pretty cute feeling to it. It's hard to go wrong with cats doing crazy things at all. Happy Robot Day! I'm glad we had such a productive year.

antdung responds:

Thanks for the commentary! I was going for robots trying to re-train their creators, but I guess that wasn't conveyed in any way. By the time I had uploaded it, I was so rushed and frustrated that I didn't bother to put it in the description.

Was that the penicorn at the end? Those guys have a whole new meaning with the mass success of My Little Pony. Oh, and Hasbro owns this franchise as well! I just loved this because of how slick the animation was. Wait, so he was a woman all along? I thought he got a sex change.

The voices were fantastic. The best part was probably with the black guy. It was also funny to see them all fight each other at the end. Congratulations on being the highest ranked flash on Robot Day 2016! I think you deserve it!

This wasn't bad. It was just nothing too interesting. The animation doesn't seem to hold up well. At least you're paying tribute to such a loved movie! He probably is the most memorable part of the whole film. Well, Baby Ruth salutes you!

It was good that you used actual audio. It's just that this didn't seem to have much point. I guess your later animations will be better. That does look like him. I liked him swirling around at the end.

This does look quite dated. It's great to see how far you have come. It was hard to find the appeal in this. It didn't seem to really match with the song. It was apparently supposed to. At least it was somewhat unique.

Everything just seems so random. It would have been better if the animation was more fluid. It's still nice to see how this website started. I guess the mice having sex was the most memorable part. Am I weird?

It's true that the quality is pretty cheap. While I wouldn’t recommend this, it’s still not that bad. I guess it’s because of how nice it is to look back into history. You thought Bill Clinton was bad? Bill Cosby’s raped every single woman on Earth by your standards! The animation does not hold up.

It’s funny how you mention attacking Afghanistan and Iraq. We did do that eventually! It was a bit too long, though. It shouldn’t have been an infinite loop. There could have been music as well.

I don't know how offensive this was meant to be. It still ended up being entertaining. I really liked the animation here. It was especially nice to see all these original characters. That shows creativity. The music was pretty nice too. I don't want to use this word.

It's still more of the stuff you're known for. I'm glad this made front page! It's one of your better recent ones. It just had a lot going on. These guys have weird powers.

I agree with you. This really is dated. It even seemed slow for its time. The animation doesn't hold up at all. I do at least like how this is your first submission! You really are a great animator, Stamper.

I had no idea "Stamper" was your last name. I thought this was the most viewed thing on Newgrounds at first. I must have been thinking of "Postal". I also thought this was a game. I guess the voice work was okay.

I personally found the prequel to be much better. I still liked this. It's mostly because of how Mr. T sounds. I didn't notice the bandana changing colors. I thought I noticed that stuff more! I really did appreciate both voices.

You can tell this is old. It's a pity this website wasn't around earlier. We could have been even more topical. Cheetos are really good. It was again a bit too short.

I admit this was too short. It was still quite enjoyable. Was there some deeper meaning? I guess it was just meant to be a strange short. Yep, I certainly saw hate in this. I thought there'd be more puppies.

That's a very unpleasant thought of course. The animation was really quite nice here. I loved the design of the ship. It actually holds up fairly well. It worked for being short.

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