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Wow, I really do wish someone had given me this. When it's just presented like this, it loses its charm. Well, it has less charm. The voice is fine. There's just so little going on. It's just one joke, but it is pretty funny.

I don't see why this wasn't a game. You had to click something. I guess it is mostly a movie, though. I guess it doesn't hold up well. This cartoon already insulted me enough.

I loved this mostly because of how sick it was. Well, it's not that. It's just that it is a very original idea. It seems like a pretty obvious joke. I love it when people do stuff that's not only new, but it's obvious. It was as long as it needed to be.

The voices and animation were top notch. I guess it would be worse to just masturbate. Well, I guess it depends on how close you are. Wow, I'm quite twisted. Look, we've all experimented with this stuff, okay?

I was surprised at how prominent the laughtrack was. Then again, that was probably intentional. You really have captured the spirit of both shows. It's kind of weird how the first two episodes are two parts. While not familiar with the "Star Trek" show, I definitely know "The Flintstones". You really did capture the humor.

The animation is so good. I just love the idea of a wooden spaceship. While goofy, it doesn't matter. I think at least some of these episodes are based on the "Star Trek" show. I doubt this was an actual plot.

At first, I was disappointed that it was ending so soon. It seemed like half of this was just credits! It ended up being a lot more than that and boy am I glad! That last joke was probably the best. I don't know what that thief was thinking. It's still a great cartoon.

I think this may be the first "Pokemon Go!" cartoon I've seen here. I keep seeing them being promoted. I'm glad they're popular! Maybe they'll get their own separate section here! The animation is great as well.

This is now changed to the lowest rated thing for this year's Clock Day. Honestly, I don't think this is that bad. It's mostly because some of the ideas are clever. I like seeing how the years change. It's not much, but it's something. I like the sounds.

It is still pretty pointless. You need to have better animation. Happy Clock Day 2016! It's sad how we always lose views each year. At least we still have you guys. I've never heard of you before.

MuppetProtesterClock responds:

Let's chalk it up to a good "last hurrah." At least I tried, and got a good rating from an expert!

.10 more points left, and I move up.

Yeah, the name is very stupid. This still isn't bad at all. I like how he keeps getting bigger. You don't even show him transforming the third time. The sprite work is nice. Everything is authentic to the game.

Was there a game with this title? It seems pretty easy to do. Bowser wasn't wearing any pants to wet! This could have worked better as part of a series. It's still great to see stuff from the late Randy Solem.

I am glad that you, StrawberryClock made this. Due to that, I will give it half a star. I thought there would be a lot going on. The animation was very poor. Then again, this was probably done on purpose. I just expect more quality stuff from this website.

It's listed as experimental. I guess it wasn't meant to make any sense. The voice was too quiet. Maybe if it was louder it would have been annoying. Happy Clock Day 2016!

I ended up watching this when it was first submitted through the portal! I admit that it's just mediocre. I think my main problem with it is that it's just too long. It doesn't lead up to much of a punchline. It was the first Clock Day 2016 submission I saw! It's great to see you guys still around.

Dang, you seem to have smaller celebrations every year. You're talented people. I guess I'm glad this wasn't that low of a score. You don't want any horrible stuff submitted. I can still remember most of the clocks.

This cartoon really started off awesome. I admit it got less as it went on. Should I say "less" in this context? Anyway, this was still quite fun. You seemed to give them different voices. Yeah, I guess those electronic voices can be used differently.

I liked the layout. I guess there wasn't much purpose to it. It's still nice to see the most viewed thing on Clock Day. I hope to be around this website for a long time. It's a fine cartoon for what it is.

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