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Too long!

It's been awhile since I have seen a new submission from you. It just goes to show that you never lose your idea of being good at something. Did this really take you an entire year to do? Anyway, this was great because it was a great homage to classic Looney Tunes cartoons and other cartoon slapstick. The animation is really good and for being a goofy cartoon, all of the elements have quite a bit of depth to them. I admit that I was not expecting that ending.

There were a lot of things going on, like the seagulls flying. The best part of animation was probably when the rocket hit the moon in the beginning. While not very long, it is always nice to put in scene selection in. Even the music was a great tribute to classic slapstick! Congradulations on making something great after being gone from submitting stuff.

Dwarfer-Stu responds:

No no this didnt take me an entire year to do. I did most of the animation a year ago, then stopped, and came back to it a couple of days ago to finish it. I know, I'm being lazy :/

Can't hate it

While the size of the screen, I can not help but recommend that you not make it an infinite loop. Of course, when you did, it kind of reminded me of the stuff by Weebl. In fact, this whole thing about a horse seems like something Weebl would make. If you do intend to turn this into a full-fledged series, I think it has potential. The sounds and backgrounds are fairly good. It kind of feels spammy, but it was really enjoyable with how silly it was.

This seem to be pretty good in spirit, but it did need to have more going on. The funniest part was probably the dancing cow. As Gary Larson of "The Far Side" has taught us, cows are always funny. It is hard to take seriously, although it is probably supposed to be comedic. I was a little confused at how this was supposed to be informative.

Oh yeah, caffeine pill

I was just thinking about how I was always a fan of zombie things (any kind) and this looks like it will fit the bill perfectly! The best part was easily when he was taking out all the zombies. I do, however, think this does not seem to have as good animation as some other stuff you have done. Nonetheless, if it's Zeurel and zombies, it is practically impossible not to like. It's nice to see some people I have not heard of before working with you. The title is so ridiculous it just perfectly fits the theme.

I imagine a serial killer would come in pretty handy. We are going to need as few people who hesitate to kill on sight as much as possible. I loved the reference to "Saved By The Bell" on the TV. It was also great to see the unique designs that were put into every single zombie design. I look forward to seeing ZMED completed!

I am sexy!

Wow, this was something that was really a new experiment, even for you. I know nothing about how to speak Hebrew, but it was still cool to watch and it had subtitles. The best thing was how these are all real. It is always interesting to find out what people are feeling deep down in their hearts and minds. I guess it might be an invasion of privacy but people choose to create blogs like that. It seems like Israel is a country that you hear about all the time but you know little about it.

I imagine it would be something like this, as it seems like standard human nature. Everyone has their own goals about how they relate to other countries. In fact, that is somewhat what I am doing right now by writing this! I hope those people find love and ambition wherever their dreams take them. Are you going to make this into a series?

Where to start?

This is one of those cartoons where it is extremely difficult to hate or love it. On one hand, it has really good animation that quite literally moves very fluidly. Then again, it has no sound and no plot. It seems to be in my best interests to put it strictly in the middle, where I believe it belongs. Next time, you should probably work on having more elaborate stuff going on, but it is still not terrible. The best thing is the animation.

It seems like I have heard a phrase like this before. It almost seems like some childhood memory that was somehow forgotten. It is kind of like that one song where the monkeys are talking to the alligator about how he can't catch them. Wherever it is from, it still seems random to make a cartoon like this. I couldn't think of a good alligator insult.

DuckingForTruth responds:

I do appreciate the time you took to comment on this, and I do agree with the points that were made. Future projects that i submit will be "finished" and stuff. Again thank you for the clear feedback. :)

The best!

I find it odd how this was my favorite one in the series when it has the lowest score. Well, everyone has their own opinion, I guess. I really liked this because it had the most action of anything in the Marvil Vs Kapkom series on the front page now. I guess Wolverine would have no need to wear his mask in the game anyway. I like how this has the slickest animation and the guy is having so much fun. If nothing else, I will be able to watch videos of other people playing this game.

It was cool to select these characters, although I do kind of wish Deadpool was there. I have read many of his comic books and a Capcom character would be cool too. The best part was probably when Wolverine was fighting p*ssy, but not f*cking girls like he said later. Stamper's voice work is great as always. I would love to see submissions featuring these characters duking it out!

Super fun time!

I was thinking this was going to be a new meme, but apparently it's just something the three of you guys did. This was really impressive to see how far you have come with your animation. I had no idea She-Hulk was going to be in it. I was thinking you might make some joke about the upcoming Captain America movie. The coolest thing was the animation and how fluidly Mr. America moved throughout it. I can see all the drawings from the other people's submissions on the page too.

I hope we manage to get some publicity for all we're doing to promote this game. I do wish that you could have put some actual fighting like in the game itself in this. Still, a promotion to get money from anyone is always good for this website. CA looked like he had the nose of a chipmunk in this. The voices at the end are funny.

Here we go!

I have fond memories of playing the first two "Marvel Vs. Capcom" games in arcades. I doubt I will ever get to play this on a professional system, but am still glad it was made. As the first 3D one, it should be really good. As for this cartoon itself, it was great because you seemed to have contrasting styles of animation in itself. The big breasted women seemed to be drawn in a different style than Iron Man. I noticed he also wasn't wearing pants.

I would have to see a fight being played out in this animation style. This was of course intended to be a parody so I can at least appreciate it for the humor. Poor robot girl. She seemed to have the smallest and the least jiggling breasts of any girl in the entire fake commercial. The words being spelled wrong were pointless and funny.


Well, I thought this was going to be a game seeing as how it had "Game" in the title. I have no idea if this was based on a meme, but apparently it's based on a webcomic. I really enjoyed this cartoon because it had a great spirit to it and amazing visuals. The coolest part was at the end of the first scene where the characters spelled out the word with their bodies. There were plenty of odd turns and twists, like the Yu-Gi-Oh mask. You would think I would know everything about trolls everywhere.

The second one seemed a little more elaborate and light-hearted. The first one was still surreal, which I am more a fan of. I could not recognize any of the songs, so I am glad you identified them. It is good to see you experimenting with many different kinds of styles, as you do not seem to have a consistent style. It was great to have two music videos in one package.

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Joined on 9/21/08

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