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Stupid day job

I thoroughly enjoyed this cartoon because everyone can associate with having a bad job. It's still not that suiting for me because I have been looking for a job for the longest time. In fact, I am actually going to be starting next week. I still enjoyed this a lot because of how awesome the animation was. I don't know why, but it seemed like the characters were kind of flat in that they looked like pieces of paper. This is not an insult, as this worked really well.

Maybe when I am working for minimum wage I can enjoy this more. Congradulations on getting permission from Wally Pleasant to make this cartoon! Most people wouldn't care about doing something like that. I liked how there were so many visual gags going on. It was especially cool to stand up for people like janitors!

Not too long

I keep thinking of the movie version of this, I am unfamiliar with the actual story. From what I know, this is quite authentic to the original epic poem. The animation was good even though it did remind me of the stuff by Matt Roszak. The voices were fairly good, but there seemed to be lacking stuff in terms of emotion. It was at times hard to take seriously the character's dialogue because their faces rarely moved. There could have been some better action scenes, especially at the end.

I think there might be a glitch because I try to start it all at once, but it does not let me. No matter, I can always go to Scene Select and start from the beginning there. I liked how everything was told in a book format. As I have again seen the movie, I am aware of what happened to Grendel's mother and knew it was another story. Not a bad flash at all.

Guess who?

It is always great to hear the characters talk with their voices actually being heard. It is unbelievable how these things managed to get so high ratings and yet no awards! At least your early ones got some stuff. I really like Webmaster's voice because it has a very serious tone to it and it fits his character well. It seems like there were some problems with the animation as it seemed a little cut off at times. It still does not take away from the satisfaction of a great cartoon.

I love how we get to see the sprite work contrast with the drawn stuff by you. BTW, my name is pronouced "Ericho", not "Eriko". What I mean is that the "ch" means the literal sound in my name. I guess it is too late to change it now, but I am still glad to play a role in this series that at least got good ratings. While lacking action at first, the dialogue is still great.

Getting better

As I am watching these out of order, it is a bit hard to understand what is going on. What matters is this had the best battle scenes so far in the series. It reminds me of the Gundam/Neon Genesis Evangelion robot fights. It was also cool to see some of the characters talk more about themselves to get more familiar with them. That did kind of bother me because it seems like there was too much talking. I guess that sounds kind of shallow, but it was certainly not bad.

I noticed that the blonde looked a lot like Samus Aran. I am very impressed that you managed to get so many people to do voices. None of them were even TomAto or Rina-chan! This series definitley has potential, but it needs to have some more unique qualities to make it really good. The animation could use a little work too.


It was cool to do a different gag with Jaspar and stuff. It was also nice to see that cat show up there, as I have really never had any idea what he was for (I haven't seen every episode, but you should know that). In case anyone wants hints, the scene actually came off as a bit strange. I clicked on everything and nothing happened. It then cut to a scene outside and when I clicked again, it worked. Once that happens and the guard talks, go under the bed. If only I was small enough to even fit under the bed.

It was the first time where clicking on a non-pixellated thing DID NOT help me. Well, maybe it did but whatever. It was also great to see a different theme at the end. The original was always good, but it became so common I skipped past it. The music all around was great and it seemed to be a good story with comedy. There was not much action, still.

Short, but sweet

Oh yes, I remember you (Kirb) saying that you were a fan of this series. I watched the movie and then went back and read all the book volumes and it turned out to be a great series. I think this is in fact the first time I ever heard about Scott Pilgrim. I loved the animation used in this and was extremely impressed at how you managed to have so many voices. There's only a few lines for characters in a short ad but each of them still has his or her own distinct voice! It is great to be able to recognize the characters.

While short, this was good for the same reasons the comic book and movie were good. It allowed the animation to express how the characters were reacting to everything. It was extremely authentic to the style of the comic book. It's even cool to hear the voice actors at the end of the cartoon. They seemed to be having as much fun as the characters in the ad were!

I recall

Dude, I am just going to listen to another submission of yours, "Duck.fla Spin". I had absolutely no idea you were the same guy who made it and it was completely random! Anyway, this was okay because I could not understand what anyone was saying. Chipmunk singing can come off as really funny, but this did not quite do it. It was a little good, but it was kind of lacking. I still kind of enjoyed this because it had that really goofy spirit that makes the Clock Crew popular.

I have no clue why you would have no names that I doubt are your own. While not your best work, it was kind of neat to see those clocks spin around. Thank you for putting in a replay ("repaly"?) button this time. You also should probably have a background, or at least something of a different color for it. It seemed like there were different versions of you in this.

Here's where it started

It was really cool to see where this whole series started! As this is the first episode (the pilot I suppose) I think this was not that great. I can perfectly understand that you were just getting out your material and seeing what worked well. While not an introduction to the characters, a goofy series like this does not need it. It was also cool to hear that other guy being described as made of sperm. I should have realized that such an obvious joke would be used in the first episode.

The game with the pixellation was of a little low quality. Being American, I was probably not able to get some of the jokes about Mexico. Every time I watch this stuff, I feel kind of sad because I can not understand the Spanish on its own even though I studied some of it. At least I can learn with the subtitles. A little too short, but it definitley gets better.

Happy Valentine's Day!

It seems like RicePirate is slowly becoming as popular a voice actor as someone like TomAto. Anyway, this was fun because the animation was really good and well done. It was so weird to see the more simple style as it went on with the transition. The earlier scenes with the better colors was pretty to look at. This may have come off as being sad, but I took it a different way. It made me think that it does not matter if you are a nerd who can not find love as you will always have your nerd stuff around.

The voices were really good and the animation flowed well. The ending was cute with how they both seemed to forget what they were really looking and went back to being nerds. Woah, I wish I had a pokemon game like that. I noticed the Triforce on the girl's shirt to know she was a nerd. I also liked the nice Tentacool at the end.

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