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This was good

I was hoping for some more action particularly with how the guy was captured, but this was still good. While not as influential as the Brackenwood series, I can see this becoming popular. The best thing is the animation and how smoothly everything flows. It is good that you did not try to go for anything superficial. The funniest part of it was when the enemies were being set on fire slowly. I have no idea what any of the words used in this mean, especially the title.

It got better as it went along, so it stalled a little in the beginning. It was pretty unpredictable with how the butterfly cut the guy free. I doubt there was any deep meaning to this, just a simple story was what you intended. The music is very good, especially at the very end. I can tell you put a lot of effort into making the landscapes.

exotworking responds:

Thanks for the review. The meaning behind things is what you perceive, so my intentions are secondary.

That is quite disturbing

I had no idea that you took part in the NG Movie Jam 1, but it's great to know that you did. I think this worked better than other entries because it was longer. At the same time, it did feel as though it also went on a bit too long with the guns and stuff. It is still good entertainment because of how utterly insane it is. I love how the frog sucks the feces out of the woman's butt in such a graphic matter (wait, what?). It was also great to see the art shift when he turned into an alligator.

I liked the violent part of him (as the alligator) ripping apart the one woman. I even thought you might just stop with him taking a dump in a shoe. This animation is extremely ridiculous and reminds me of the stuff by John K. He always did seem disappointed modern day cartoons do not focus more on character movement. You completely avert that.


I thought ZekeySpaceyLizard had quit Newgrounds, but I guess he'll do something with someone else now and then. How impressive of you guys to submit this on the day of NG Movie Jam 1! This is great because it has some of the best effects used in the series. It's amazing how a goofy series can have such amazing animation. The funniest part was definitley when Bob thrust his spear at the end. I was not wearing any 3D glasses (those dang things cost extra!) but it did seem to come out at me!

If you ever want to tell those guys at the movie studios how to do that, then do. I can't afford an extra five bucks for 3D glasses! It was also cool to reference the "other Avatar" of course (it's been awhile since someone made that joke). BTW, this also happens to be the 5,000th review I have made on this website! It was great to see something by ZSL even if he's not really back.

The best of the day!

I am not a big fan of this Jam Day, but this was still a very enjoyable thing to watch. I could have sworn it was made by the same guys who made the "Ask Raptor Jesus" cartoon. I guess I am just not used to other cartoonists working on raptors. This was good to watch because of the really slick animation. I have always interested by dinosaurs since I was little and this really does them justice. I also love how dignified they talk.

You deserved this Daily Feature, even though I was expecting some more action when the ballet dancers got eaten. The best example of good animation was seeing how good the Sun and moon looked. It's not that important, but it's a little something you notice. I am glad so many people worked on this, even if I am not too familiar with you guys. Happy NG Movie Jam 1!


I love when you make flashes where you guys make fun of the holiday you have created. The guy who died did not look anything like Tom Fulp, I thought it was you, Luis! The best part about this was the animation. It is especially impressive to see Tom Fulp's bloody hand on the pavement. It was also funny when you mentioned you did not have time to do the frame by frame work. Now, you might be asking what I think about this new holiday.

I personally think it's good, but it is hard to build on stories that are so short. I do admire it for being a good way to show off your creativity as the subjects appear to be quite random. I noticed the picture of Tom having butt sex with John Lennon, was it? The music at the "Replay" button does get a bit annoying. You know how to show angst.

Funny and scary

With all the thousands of BBS posts, it is not that hard to find one that really sticks out as being outrageous. It seems like you could have credited PsychoGoldfish on the side of the screen but still good. The three of you are among the most prolific and highly reverred people here, so anything you all work on together will be great. I thought she was going to be eaten, but then again, her fate was not much better. It was really creepy how the one shark just went in the corner horrified by the scene.

I have never heard of swimming with sharks, I thought that was swimming with dolphins. At least the skin of dolphins is nowhere near as rough. It's so funny to watch this girl's breasts and butt grow and hear her talk in that stupid voice. It was something different for you guys, but boy did it work out well. The animation was great and very Ren and Stimpy-esque.

Does look dated

This seems to look pretty old as it was in fact made in 2003, but it was still pretty enjoyable. The strong point was that the animation was bout as good as the old Flash Player system could give you anyway. It was also fun to see the characters being portrayed in a more faithful way to the games. I can understand your frustration with a lot of other Zelda flashes here. You could have made this longer, but it was supposed to be the series. At least the text and the sound effects were quite authentic.

The voice acting did seem a little off, but I have seen worse. This seems to be the setup of a fairly typical story, which as I said is faithful to the original tone. The color effects seem to be fine and I think it's really lines that you need to work with. The character designs look rough, but I am glad you went on to make the sequels. I'm impressed at how long this series has been going on!

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