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Does look dated

This seems to look pretty old as it was in fact made in 2003, but it was still pretty enjoyable. The strong point was that the animation was bout as good as the old Flash Player system could give you anyway. It was also fun to see the characters being portrayed in a more faithful way to the games. I can understand your frustration with a lot of other Zelda flashes here. You could have made this longer, but it was supposed to be the series. At least the text and the sound effects were quite authentic.

The voice acting did seem a little off, but I have seen worse. This seems to be the setup of a fairly typical story, which as I said is faithful to the original tone. The color effects seem to be fine and I think it's really lines that you need to work with. The character designs look rough, but I am glad you went on to make the sequels. I'm impressed at how long this series has been going on!

What the???

Wow, I have to say that you do need to work on making your characters sound more like boys, especially Gaara. This was pretty good, mostly because of how good the animation is. When most people have more authentic animation in a Naruto tribute, they do not make it humorous. It was certainly different and a lot of it just felt awkward. I couldn't quite understand if the sand being from Neji's sandbox was supposed to be a joke or not. Gaara was still very well animated, though, especially his expression.

Next time you could probably put in some sound effects or maybe have more going on. It seemed like there were too many pauses here. This is still watchable because it has a very cute appeal to it. I am sad over what happened to your boyfriend. It was really weird to see that "b*tch" being said at the end of the cartoon.

Great and weird!

I have no idea what video game you are spoofing, but that was negated by the fact that this was really sweet! I was thinking it would take a turn to act like "King Kong" but it took a different step altogether. I guess I am glad it did not stop with the scene where he first found her. The character designs were really strange, but also very creative! There was a lot of action going on, even though nothing made sense. It is too bad you are not good in English, but you seem to get the translations right.

I would know as I speak English. There was also a great variety of colors being used, like the hair or the creatures he was fighting. To show how much of a dork I am, I think when he went to the lair, he defeated 28 enemies. Too bad that "Mini Fighter Game" was not in the actual cartoon. My only complaint is that the villian could have had more motivation.

Do they really have boomerang schools?

I've seen so many of these submissions, but I never got the oppurtunity to review one until now! This was a very funny episode as is really everything else in the series. As you are known for being a voice actor, it's great looking at stuff you did by yourself. You voice talents truly shine here as every character has a distinctive voice and personality. I love how Toph sounds, that seems just like how a person who looks like that would sound. I laughed out loud when Katara hit Zuko with water.

The way the mouths are edited looks very good and authentic to the original style. I guess everyone thinks a gag dub is an abridged series nowadays. I do not recall seeing these on the front page for whatever reason. The voices and emotions go really well with what the characters are signalling through body language, too. Makes me sad I never watched ATLA.

No Goofy?

I was looking forward to seeing Goofy (the Disney character) in this and it was too bad he was not there. I thought that maybe this would be a parody of "A Goofy Movie" or something. This really goes on for too long. The animation/effects are quite poor, paraticularly with how the cartoon guys exist in the real world. There some good parts, like how you shot the cartoon dudes at the end. This is really not even the kind of website a video like this should be.

I do not have a problem with the occasional live-action video here (well, this did have animation). That's how we got "Numa Numa"! The thing I do not like is when the quality is low. I guess I can not really hate this submission because you yourself stated it was not intended to be good. It still was not entertaining to me.

InfamousD responds:

Don't recall stating that it was not intended to be good. I suggest you get your eyes checked an read more carefully, ho!

Looks good

This was fairly entertaining to watch and it was good to see all of those voices and songs. The animation was simply gorgeous at least in terms of how the camera worked and the background. The downsides was that the character animation could have been better. It is a little hard to take this seriously when her breasts bounce as she is running. I don't know, maybe if she was hotter, I wouldn't care. This still has a great atmosphere to it and really keeps you guessing.

There was not that much action but you are trying to first set up your characters and story. Congrats on managing to make it into the Christmas 2009 section. This could use some more dialogue as it got confusing. What matters is that it does seem to have an original design and for the most part it works. The transition effects are good too.

Vortex00 responds:

Thanks. hopefully I can get better at animation and story telling.

Not as good as the first one

The first submission you had here was really great, but this was not so much. Do not get me wrong, I thought the animation was nice and everything. It just seems like you could have put more effort into making something like this. It does work really well as a short cycle but that's not the sort of thing we expect on this website. At least you have good animation and were nice enough to use that classic music. I never played "Yoshi's Island" as a kid (or an adult) but I recognize this music.

I think the thing you really want to look for is if there are things popping up in the background. While not the most creative, there a couple of those things that show up. The best example of detail is probably the blue mountains. Many things here have a lot of designs even if it does not come off as elaborate. I believe you said, "Link in comments", but I don't see a link in the author comments.

JoelOnToast responds:

Sorry to hear you were expecting a lot more from this. It was more of a little gift to my girlfriend and an experiment than anything.

It'll be the last loop animation I'll submit to this site, so dont you worry about that.

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