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This was a great cartoon because you placed a ton of emphasis on animation. It reminds me of the "Ren And Stimpy" cartoons where they really tried to tell jokes through the character's actions. Speaking of animation, it is great to see that you are accelerating on animation quality all the time. TomaMoto is definitley the male Rina-chan. You can really see how far you have come with animation with the first Sonic parody you did. Poor Knuckles and poor Vector.

The funniest thing about this was Mighty the Armadillo appearing. This is completely different than the games where he's the only one missing but then everyone fell except for him! It is great to pay tribute to a lesser known video game that isn't even new. It's cool to hear Larry's saturday morning theme on something besides a Larry cartoon. I would think Shadow would be the character to act more black because, well, he is black.

Tricky's back!

I was just going on the forums and talking about how much I missed seeing Tricky the Clown! Granted, this was not a fairly recent cartoon, but it's still great to see him. This has got to be the most realistic depiction of Tricky I have ever seen! This was all around a good cartoon even if it was not what I expected. From the title, I thought it was going to be a parody of "A Night On Bald Mountain" from "Fantasia". I expected to see ChernaborgClock torturing the clocks of Hell.

The strongest point of this was admiring how good the animation was. You have a great use of black and white which allows your characters to move around in their environment. I did not really find this scary, as I did weird. The surrealism worked so well, especially the background. In case anyone's wondering, yes, that animation with Tricky does eventually stop.

Sunshine in a bag...

It was interesting to see the latest cartoon in the series. I would probably say this was one of the weaker entries because it did not have any action. What is cool is that there are so many other funny things going on, they more than make up for it. I knew the Rickroll was going to be interrupted, but thank you for letting it go on as long as it did. This had some of the best use of music I have seen in a Newgrounds submission! I suggest that next time you not make it so talky.

There is so much work put into these cartoons it is too bad they are not more recognized. At least it gets the high ratings it deserves! One really cool part was when the characters stopped being sprites and were non pixellated. That was also a nice scene you had at the end. In case anyone wants to know, this took me 12 minutes to watch.

Turtle funny!

I guess I'm just too used to seeing Egoraptor being credited here to not see the good guys in this. This is really cool, because it's great to see all those villians again. Overall, the animation is cheesy but the designs still make up for it! Besides, in something like this, humor is the thing most looked for. You know, I did think there was something weird about Zippy being a servant in Hades. To think, I was afraid he might turn out to be some killer rabbit thing (hmm...maybe he will...)

I find it great that you are working on a second feature film. Too bad I would never be able to afford to buy any movie. The best thing about this is that it really knows how to build up to an impressive movie. The funniest part was probably when he put the Zippy hat on the turtle. It seems like it had been awhile since I saw a new episode of this series.


Dude, I have seen some stuff by you before, but this is by far the most amazing stuff you have ever submitted to the portal! I had no idea what was going on in any of this bizarre and surreal masterpiece! Every single second there is something ridiculous going on in the background or foreground. I even find it hard to believe that you made everything! This seems a lot more like a collab where people showed off their different ideas but it just goes to show how one individual can be so talented! It had some of the most lush color I had ever seen!

I absolutely love surrealism and have most of my life. This is what someone like Salvador Dali would make if he was a flash cartoonist. You are an honor to all people who make stuff that doesn't make any sense. This thing is so beautiful with the numbers flying around and the tiki men drumming and the objects and background appearing and disappearing. Call me a fan of yours from now then!

Where is SBClock?

Wow, this was pretty entertaining because it was simply so amazingly ridiculous. I have not heard of these clocks before and I have certainly not heard of ZombieLincoln before. I kept thinking this was going to be about ZekeySpaceyLizard. I guess I mistook the "ZL" for "ZSL". I will simply never get over that guy leaving the website. This was good because the animation was fairly nice, especially with ZombieLincoln.

I hope you had a happy Clock Day as you certainly made something that was high rated. I suggest that next time you put in a background and have some more action. While not very long, this does kind of work in its brevity. I almost thought OrangeClock was someone else because he was drawn gray in this! You don't see placentas being used much, you know.

Right in the middle

This was a fairly mediocre flash and it looks like you had a nice Clock Day indeed. I believe the purple thing was supposed to be thdrk. It was strange because I can usually just assume that every character in a Clock Day flash is going to be a clock. He looks a lot like Black Doom from the "Shadow The Hedgehog" game. I was kind of expecting more of a climax. It just seemed a little pointless to be showing it go into night and then really have nothing come out of it.

There are so many clocks I could have sworn I saw a GoldenClock who looked nothing like this. I guess I just thought he would resemble a gold bar more. The animation in this was fairly standard and if nothing else, it was harmless. You could, however, use some more jokes and action. I liked the child voice at the end.

KombuchananClock responds:

Still at it and still getting dates wrong, huh?

Shine on, Ericho.

What day?

I have no idea what day you are celebrating, but you appear to be doing something with the "Day X" thing. I also do not know what this had to do with chocolate. Oh yeah, TriangleClock eats DwarfinatorClock's poop and it's supposed to look like chocolate. The animation in this was fairly good and I was eager to know when he was going to eat someone's soul. I almost thought he was already eating a guy's soul with the poop! There still could have been some more action, though.

The intro with the ocean waves was really cool. It will probably sadly be the last time I see that today or really ever. I was expecting somebody to yell out "Eat Da Poo Poo"! Dang, that meme will never stop being hilarious to me as long as I live. You seem to be loyal to the Clock Crew and let me say you also have a pretty creative Clock name.

ClockOfBlob responds:

It's the Flash Flood (Where we flood the portal with flashes) and I am making a flash a day for january. Also, thanks for the compliment.

Great work

Too bad not everybody was credited under "Author & File Information". My favorite part would have to be the animation done by Pluto. His part seems to have the animation that contrasts the most with the other people's. I really liked the stinger, especially how the guy didn't just sit there and get eaten but actually killed those guys. Some animated parts were better than others, but overall, everyone did a great job on this. It is amazing how much depth and different features you can give stick figures.

The music was extremely good and that made the dialogue in the stinger so effective. There was so much going on it was hard to keep track. The transition scenes were a little hard to follow, like how you showed a giant octopus monster and then a guy shooting green guys. Whatever the purpose, the randomness makes it more interesting. All of the stick figures have unique designs and roles.

Like a troll face!

This was a pretty enjoyable cartoon. It was longer than a lot of your other stuff and it was cool to see a twist ending. I mean, I was definitley not expecting that seeing as how the name of the cartoon seemed to contradict that notion! I really don't play any MMORPG's, so I would not be able to identify which one you have here. Hey, I barely have any money so I can't afford to pay for a game when I can just play for free here! It was interesting to start with that pink bunny who then got zapped.

The strongest point was probably the animation. One weak point was that there could in fact have been more action but the overall style makes up for it. You are really making straight action cartoons that are not parodies at all. The only funny part about this was probably the very end. I hope we can continue to give each other positive feedback.

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