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Pretty bad

I really can't be mad at you submitting this on Clock Day, as I have myself done the exact same thing. I just have to say that I am impressed yours manages to get such a high rating. Next time, you should really work on making a background instead of just the white. The song wasn't too bad, but I would recommend something catchier. StrawberryClock moving around doesn't require much action, so it wasn't that fun to watch. I am at least glad so many people came together because of this.

Surprisingly great!

I am glad I was able to view this and I was quite impressed by the animation! The story may have been a little hard to follow, but that wasn't even the main theme to me. I think my favorite part may have been at the beginning with the guy jumping around like he was in Super Mario World or something. The animation with the snow and Santa Claus is at his best. I couldn't quite hear the Mario related themes, as it was a lot more Christmas like. I am very glad you made this and hope you had a great holiday season and a happy new year!

SimonG responds:

Thanks dude! :D
Happy holidays and new year!

Why are you playing all the characters?

This was a real treat and I am glad I have gotten more familiar with you and your work. It was different than the other stuff, which was just pure insanity. That isn't this didn't work well in being completely over the top, as it did. You were really cooking with gas when you put a bunch of Bible stories together and then added the fairy tales to them. I also liked all of God's guests and the brief use of the "Numa Numa" song. That joke about the ghost of Bob Marley was actually done by a website called Spill.com, which you may not have heard of.

You have caught up!

As someone who watches all of this stuff on Weebl's website, it's always great to see you guys catch up on this stuff! It's great that two of my favorite authors are working on such an awesome series! This is one of my favorites, probably because of the end where the problem takes care of itself. I admit it is also funny to see Catface with stratches all over his body. It was also fun when Catface got caught in his own trap. I like how the tomcat appeared and had a casual cat appearance as well.

Different, but good

For being fairly short, you sure managed to get a lot about the movie done. I was pretty disturbed about those freaking dogs that were having sex for really no reason in the movie. It was different in that there weren't many (or really any) transitions in the scenes, just the same shot. The notion of characters yelling in silly ways was a little lacking, but it helps that this is a very funny flash. It's nice to see the little kids try to put the story together and do really bad jobs at acting in such a short time frame. It's interesting to see you go into something different after all this time.

So unique

This was an extremely impressive flash to view! I wasn't expecting much at first, what with the apparent abscence of color, but it definitley got better as it went on! I was so glad to see all of those cool elements being put into the song and it really managed to get a story. I think my favorite part was probably the ghost cat and the bear in Heaven. It helps that I love cats, especially when cats have been shown to have souls. I have never heard this crazy song before, but I am very glad to be introduced to it and its zaniness!

Best of October

I am so glad I was able to catch up on the great stuff that was made in October! I was pretty impressed by the animation and the girl reminded me of Rina-chan (her avatar appearance). I first thought the guy was supposed to be a zombie, but then he was a werewolf, but then he was a regular serial killer? Anyway, the Diary Queen appearing at the end made it all worth it. I liked how it managed to keep a tone of creepiness while still having a humorous side. It's great to be introduced to your style.

Love the animation

Even with no color (except for the blood and police car) I was impressed at how the animation worked. It was especially funny to see those two kids french kissing each other in the beginning! I like how you used the "sh*t" from the Tourettes Guy (and the Wilhelm scream). My only complaint is that it was a little predictable how the guy was going to put it on Facebook. While I don't have a Facebook account, I do believe this was some pretty clever satire. It's great I was able to catch up on this later.

Quite soon

I am not expecting these CatFace cartoons to be submitted so close together. It was a really nice holiday treat, even if I don't even understand what this had to do with the holidays. I guess you were referring to some obscure tradition done in Britian? Anyway, the animation and voice work was impressive as always. I especially like how that big black cat sounds like Susan Boyle or some other stereotypical British woman's voice. It was funny to see Facecat have his lips looking sad.

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