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Well, this was the last animutation you submitted here in a long time. You did work on the collab "The Fingertips Project". You also made this one Rugrats one, although it wasn't really much of an animutation. I'm glad to look back at the great career you've had. Everything is so nice and colorful here. I recognized most of the people.

I've never seen a drawing of Michael Lesko before! I also love the sketch drawings you did too. That was later used in "A Sticky Night Of Love" possibly the strangest animutation ever and that's really saying something! I was afraid it would be too short. Instead, it was just the right length.

I admit to not caring that much for this. I guess it doesn't hold up well. The animation is probably too weird. I mean, these characters really do look freaky! They look too cartoonish and not like a video game. Then again, I haven't played the actual game.

I hope that's not how they look there. Even the minigames were kind of boring. At least they existed! It was fun to see the franchise being represented in an okay manner. Of course, not being a fan, I can't tell.

I didn't know there was more than one Swearbear. This was pretty confusing at first because I didn't know that. I thought it was really nice. I just love the different voices. You never know what these swear bears will do next. Why'd the bird attack all of them?

Only one of them stole her eggs. She deserved to be blown up at the end! No wonder everyone hated her. The animation was pretty slick. Yeah, I knew this was part of a contest.

The funniest part was when you mentioned that stick figures were really killed. I really did like all this great action! It was great not knowing what would come up next. I thought you'd see the stick figure skeletons would appear with the acid. What WOULD their skeletons look like? It's an interesting concept.

The music is nice and fitting. I just want to be in a good mood after finding out Donald Trump won the election. This was a great series. It would be interesting if these guys all came out at once. It's still great bloody stick fun.

At first, I was disappointed that this wouldn't be an origin story. Turns out it was! You put a lot in here, even if it wasn't that long. The voices are pretty funny. It's creepy to see his flesh hanging out from his arm. I like the concept.

I've certainly never heard of a superhero like this. I think those are all real shows with audio John's watching. I would have liked to see him work with his associates. It's still very entertaining. The animation is quite good.

It's great that you apologize for it. There wasn't any sound here. Was it supposed to be like that? I guess you just regard this as old shame. The sprite work is pretty good. It just didn't come off as funny.

It was probably too short. There wasn't much going on. He didn't seem very angsty to me. Could he commit suicide as a ghost? Maybe then, he'd come back alive? Whatever, it's just bland.

I admit that this was pretty good. At first, I thought it would be a sincerely heartwarming thing. I knew that it would change eventually. I really do like the animation. I think there could have been less at the end. It seems too long. Still, I appreciate the character for his honesty.

I like the music too. I have heard this story before. There was even a Looney Tunes or Merry Melodies cartoon made about it. Yeah, that one was funnier. This was still pretty good.

It's nice to see the series end. I think this was one of the lesser entries. There could have been more action. It seemed too easy to beat Unicron. It was interesting to give him a backstory. I think the effects now look goofier.

It's still nice to see this campiness. That's what "The A-Team" was all about, right? I like how his name is like "Unicorn". Well, Hasbro does also own "My Little Pony". I seriously just found out they're making a new "Muppet Babies" cartoon!

It's amazing how you made this more popular than the original. It wasn't really a porn flash at all. It really did have an interesting story. I appreciate all the character development. Well, maybe not that much. How can Samus have sex with her suit on?

Anyway, the sprite work was nice. It was a bit too long, though. I thought you actually played the "Final Fantasy" bits. Well, this certainly had a lot of variety. I remember these sprites!

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