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What invitation?

I thought this was going to be about demons as the priest apparently was going to do an exorcism. I guess it did turn out to be something great, maybe even better than that would have been. I guess D-Mac-Double is slowly becoming as prolific as TomAto, huh? It's great that you guys got so many voices even though some characters only have one line. I thought the first guy was going to turn into a vampire at first. The sharp teeth kind of confuse you.

The animation in this was just fantastic. I don't really know how to describe it, but all of the colors seemed to have this sketchy feeling behind them. I was in no way expecting the cartoon to end on a fairly lighthearted tone. I would prefer vampires over werewolves, anyway. The coolest part was probably fighting while breaking the walls.

How unexpected!

The really weird thing about this is that I had no idea what was going on! I am not sure why, but from the beginning, it kind of looked more like it was going to be a comedy. I guess a single pumpkin head isn't that intimidating. It of course really took off when the fight started. In case no one else noticed, the guy happens to have a picture of Dr. Octoganopus in his house. It was great to see Jack being defeated after acting so high and mighty in the beginning.

The animation in this was great, especially with how Jack's arms moved. I have never heard of the play that this cartoon was based on. You managed to get Jack's voice just perfect! Really creepy voices are always a plus in Halloween (or simply scary) things. It's so triumphant when Wolf transforms it's kind of even uplifting!

I love Gir

This was great to watch simply because it perfectly mimicked the artwork that made "Invader Zim" so good. From what I hear, it is actually the highest rated NickToon but also the shortest lived of them all. I love the dark and absurdist humor of it all and I love it here. This seems to be exactly like what a short episode or a commercial would be for the show! All the characters appear just as they would in appearance and personality. Granted, it's not very long, but still great.

It's been so long since I heard Gir of any kind talk with that awesome voice and personality of his. The picture at the end with the girl was really cute. They never did have a lot of romance on that show, did they? I had some trouble understanding Gir at the beginning so I am glad Zim covered it up. This show shall never die out!

Quite sadistic

I should have expected something from a sadistic little demon girl. The best part in this was how it had such an innocent appearance to it at first with Reiko looking like she was on a simple playground object. The music at the end is fairly haunting too. I love how Reiko has a really good voice that seems to just be what a normal girl would sound like if she was a sadist. That is, a sadist who actually got to live out her fantasies. I liked the animation used at the end with the water, easily the best part.

While fairly brief, single gag submissions are alright with most of us. Let us hope Reiko manages to get all the toys she wants this year. I am now noticing how red is often used in a normal black and white world. It gives off a good sense of madness. Santa is also drawn really well and he better spill the beans soon.

Not much

The best thing about this submission was that it appeared to use some music in "Madness Combat". I know it was not the exact same, but it certainly reminded me of MC. I did not understand the title, because I don't think Stuart was at the party. He seems like a pretty dumb character, so it's probably best for him to kill himself like that. It looked like he was on some alien planet or maybe in the desert. Please work on making your submissions longer and having more of a punchline.

I think that this may have been like those "Looney Tunes" cartoons. You know, the ones where the guy kills himself for a trick and then says he can only do it once? I could not understand how the title was presented. Stuart seems like a cross between a blue cat drawn by John K. and a spider alien. Whatever the intention was, it could be longer with more going on.

Decent entry

Possibly the only reason I did not like this as much as I thought I would was because there was not that much zombie violence. Don't get me wrong, the stuff there was was great. The coolest scene was when Edd whirled that shovel around, it almost looked CGI! It's also really cool to see a zombie with a gun killing other zombies. The funniest part was probably when that one guy's head exploded and his face continued to be covered in blood. You consistently make good zombie flashes!

It was also an interesting story with how he was a zombie and then went to the afterlife. You normally see that stuff being done with ghosts, but not zombies. It was also pretty cool to see those hot chicks from "The Dudette Next Door". It's so popular they should appear more. While not the best in animation, the characters still show their emotions well.


Well, it looks like you achieved your goal of making a test for lip synching. The main flaw is that you really should not submit something just for a test. Exceptions would be game demos. You could have at least put a background in or a lot more detail. The best part was that the animation you showed actually was kind of funny. It just did not work well as something in its own right because it had so little going for it.

I hope you use this test to make better submissions in the future. You seem to be off to a good start and at least you threw in Pedobear. The guy in the beginning remind me of the animation by Explosm. It's actually not too bad animation. It is just that most people prefer to look at submissions that are fully intended to be finished.

HWFTW responds:

Hmm yeah I know EXACTLY what you mean ;) Thanks for the review, it helps alot. Yeah well this is also (I didn't mention this) getting used to my new computer. Keyboard layout and so on is different to my old one (which my fingers were atuned to) and I need to get used to this one. Once I get used to it, a bit of practise, experiments and so on, I can make decent animations :D
Thanks again,

Looks great!

It's interesting to be introduced to a new series, especially one this awesome! The weirdest thing was how Luigi had those different clothes on. They even acknowledged that in the cartoon! It seems like every cartoon nowadays that features dialogue like that with sprite characters is compared to "Super Mario Bros. Z". That style was actually itself inspired by the "TTA" series made by Kirbopher which I was in! Now, this was a very good cartoon in its own right.

The most emotional part was at the end when the Mario thing was dying. There was really a lively and unique cast here, especially that one angry red star! It looks like it will take a turn for the extreme when Maluigi unleashes that robot army! The fight scene was great and I liked how all the powerful characters contributed to it. Professor E. Gadd looks funny green.

Quite surreal

As you were working with the subject of dreams, I noticed there seemed to be little structure with this. This is actually quite brilliant, because you use something nonsensical to illustrate how dreams can be just like that! I guess the parodies of "Inception" are not over yet. That sequence reminded me of the 1911 April Fool's Day joke that one website had. I guess I was expecting more artists, because this seemed to be fairly short at least in comparison to other collabs. It was great how I could not recognize most of the artist's work.

Underrated people should always be given a chance to shine. You just had no idea what to expect next in this wacky collab of yours. My favorite would have to sweetyluli, probably because it had the most action and the best animation. The music was great too even if it's a bit hard to notice at times. Everyone can associate with having dreams.

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