You did it again, of course!
You will simply never cease to amaze me how you keep making great flash after great flash in this series! I guess it's kind of gauche to say this is the best yet. While I missed Jebus, there was still plenty of fantastic action to spare. There are so many characters now it is hard to keep up with. I will say that this had the best animation in the entire series! It's especially cool to see the dark guy roam around like that. Dang, I forgot his name.
The visuals with Hank's arm and the electricity was awesome as well. Every second there was that ominous laugh and that great music! It kind of sounded like an elephant screaming for some reason. The most visually pleasing part was probably when he rose into that great tower. I knew he'd get more than he bargained for when absorbing Tricky. The swordfight choerography is flawless as well.